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“I’ll report your asses if you do anything to me,” I threaten, passing a look between them.

Eric twists to Brandon. “What do you think, man? Should we teach her a lesson for meddling?”

Brandon lingers on my face a moment before speaking. “You’re that charity case from West Heights. The one on my father’s pity scholarship.”

“Oh, damn,” Eric laughs out. “That’s sad.”

My stomach plummets.

Brandon’s father is footing the bill for me? The applicants weren’t made aware of the donor.

Ugh. That’s just great.

I wince when Brandon crouches before me, gaze constricted to slits. “What’s this? Are you embarrassed?”

“Far from it,” I lie through gritted teeth.

He snorts. The longer he stares at me, the more a strange fire rises inside. “You kept looking at me all morning. Then you touched me. Two things I detest, Kayla McNeil.” My name leaves his mouth in a sinister tone that incites shudders.

Eric clucks his tongue and folds his arms. “Should I put the word out?”

I snap my head to him, warning, “I’ll not only report you to the school, but I’ll have you arrested. I don’t give a damn how rich you are.”

Brandon smirks at my tough act, drawing back my focus. I feel a silly rush in my chest when a partial smile forms on his face—the first I’ve witnessed all day.

He angles his head, studying me some more, then straightens back into his towering frame. “You’re new, so I’ll give you a second chance.”

Eric tsks. “Lucky girl.” He walks away, disappearing at the bend.

I’ve long heard the late bell.

The Spanish class should be in full swing by now.

Brandon’s still standing there, hands in his pants pockets, watching me.

I push up from the ground, smooth out my skirt, and fix my backpack.

I’m nervous about passing him.

Why isn’t he leaving?


Feigning boldness, I lift my chin and take a few slow steps forward until reaching his side.

For someone who hates when people stare, Brandon sure is surveying me hard. But I refuse to back down, keeping eye contact as I continue by him.

I’m almost at the corridor when he calls out, “Let’s see how long that fight in you lasts before someone breaks you. That tends to happen, Kayla McNeil.”

His words halt my steps. I glance at him sideways, defiant as I reply, “I never allow anyone to have power over me. Do you, Brandon Decker?”

The spasm in his jaw is instant, a sure sign of displeasure.

Finding delight in the fact that my words struck a chord, I flash Brandon a confident smirk before hurrying to class.
