Page 122 of The Crush Next Door

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And Josh had been there for me every step of the way, just as I tried to be there for him. I thanked the universe that we'd somehow found each other in this crazy life.

Someone made an announcement that the awards would begin soon, and the people around us began to head towards the auditorium. Coming back down to the real world, I shook my head and started to move.

"Wait," Josh said, digging in his pocket. "I almost forgot."

He pulled out a ring and held it up to me, the beautiful blue color sparkling in the sun.

"Omigosh, I love it!" I gasped, once again clutching my chest.

That little flush I adored crept up his cheeks. "I tried to match the Dodger blue color."

Could he be any sweeter? "You're going to make me cry and mess up my makeup."

"We can't have that." Laughing, he slid the ring onto my outstretched finger. "Come here."

I soon found myself wrapped in his arms, my safe place, my happy place, thanking my lucky stars for this thoughtful man.

Squeezing him hard, I managed to whisper against his warm chest, "I'm never letting you go." And I meant it with all my heart.

When I'd first met my hot neighbor, I'd been in a bit of a trap, caught between what I thought I wanted and what I really needed. But thanks to Josh, I'd found myself.

Even though life would throw us some curveballs, I knew that Josh would help me knock the ball out of the park, creating our own joy, creating our own happiness. Together. Forever.
