Page 19 of The Crush Next Door

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Silversun Pickups

"Wow, you look amazing," Anaya said as I sat down in my chair at work the next morning. "Especially considering it's a Monday."

I smiled, curious to know how I usually looked. "Thanks?"

She reached beside her and handed me a coffee drink. "Here. Caramel frappuccino, extra whip, extra caramel. Not that you seem like you need it today."

My eyes popped out of my head. "Mmm, thank you so much," I said, taking a big sip of the sweetness as she inhaled some of her own drink while I watched her. "So what is it you want?"

"What do you mean?" she gasped, her big, beautiful eyes going all innocent.

I slanted my head, giving her a sidelong glance. "You only treat me when you need something from me."

"Um..." She looked at her computer screen for a moment before meeting my eyes again. "So here's the thing. I kind of got myself into a bit of a situation."

"Oh, God." I sighed. "What's going on?"

"Well, you know how I'm looking for another job?" she asked.

"Uh-huh. Right." My heart started beating double time, wondering what on God's green earth this meant for me. "And?"

"So, um, anyway..." She began to pick at her cuticles and I stopped her.

"Just tell me already. You're totally freaking me out."

"Right. So," she began but was interrupted as Dr. Haute walked in, casually waving at us.

"Good morning, ladies," he said, stopping for a moment, his motorcycle helmet tucked under his arm.

He somehow looked dreamier than usual today. Maybe it was the man bun. Maybe it was the way his biceps flexed under his shirt.

"Good morning," I said.

"Hiiii," Anaya breathed.

"Everyone have a nice weekend?"

I nodded while Anaya tried to say something. "Um, sure, yes, no, definitely, nice, beautiful."

His dark eyes seemed to stare at Anaya a second longer than they should have before he began to walk away. "Great. Well, I'm sure we have a busy day ahead of us, so I'll let you both get back to work."

"Looking forward to seeing you all day," Anaya said while I nudged her with my foot under the desk. As soon as he rounded the corner, my poor friend lightly banged her head on the desk. "Why, oh, why do I act like such a doofus around him? My God, I've worked with him for four years now. You'd think I'd be able to act the slightest bit okay when he's near."

"Aw, my poor baby." I rubbed her back. "That actually wasn't so bad just now."

She lifted her head, face full of hope. "Really?"

"Really. I've seen much, much worse." I couldn't help teasing her about her endless crush on the man we called Dr. Hot in private.

Groaning, her smile turned downward into a frown. "Thanks. Thanks for that."

Still worried about her little "situation," I decided to return to that subject. "So back to what we were talking about. What were you trying to tell me before?"

A huge sigh escaped her as she started to fidget with a pen, clicking it over and over. "So... well, I had a call back from a prospective employer and an impromptu phone interview that went really well."

"What? That's great." She didn't smile, making me super suspicious. "So what's that have to do with me exactly?"

Her eyes darted around the room, looking everywhere except at me. "Well, you see, I might have made a few, um, adjustments on my resume."
