Page 21 of The Crush Next Door

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After we ordered, I went over the phone call, every detail, every single word I could remember. But the biggest takeaway and the thing that excited Anaya the most was the tone of our conversation. The woman I had spoken to had a positivity in her voice that was promising, and I'd be shocked if Anaya didn't get a job offer very soon.

My phone buzzed and I paused to check it, finding a text from Josh.

"What song do Dodgers fans sing before the bottom of the ninth inning?"

Was this a joke? My eyes narrowed in confusion until another text came through a second later.

"Nobody knows. There's never any of them left."

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me, and Anaya was instantly on me. "What's that? A text from Devon?"

Looking up at her, I felt a strange little tingle of nerves in my empty belly. "Not Devon actually."

Her eyebrows shot up almost into her dark hairline. "Not Devon? Then who?"

Oh, shit. Anaya was like a dog with a bone. But there was nothing to hide, so I spilled all about Josh and everything that had happened this past weekend, only interrupted by the arrival of our food.

And when I was done talking, she looked at me, her fingers steepled like some kind of villain from a movie, her dark eyes penetrating. "Hmm, interesting."

"What? What's so interesting?" I jammed two fries into my mouth.

She was quiet a moment as she took a bite of her veggie wrap then took a fry from my plate before I could slap her hand away. I despised it when people stole my food, and she more than knew that.

Ignoring my best Joey Tribbiani glare, she slowly munched on the forbidden fry. "You asked me what's so interesting. Well..."

"Well, what?" I prodded, my impatience growing.

Looking away, she stared at the table next to us where a little girl chewed on a bagel attached to a string around her neck, a unique perk for kids at Nate 'n Al's.

She sighed. "Well, nothing. I have nothing to say."

Laughing, I decided to call her on her bull. "Nothing to say? Well, that says everything! Obviously, you disapprove or something." At her head shaking, I continued, "Or you think it's inappropriate or going to lead somewhere it shouldn't." Again more head shaking. "Or something else..."

She never said anything negative about Devon, but I always had this feeling deep down inside that she didn't love us together. And she wisely held her tongue. Because Devon and I were perfect together. He was the yin to my yang.

"Nothing. I have nothing to say," she repeated, this time more clearly.

It was scary how well we knew each other because that "nothing" was louder than any words she could ever speak. And I had no clue what to make of it.
