Page 34 of The Crush Next Door

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Still ticked at Josh, the next evening, I stomped up his stairs, papers in hand, and knocked loudly.

"It's open," he shouted.

Of course it was. "I'm going to stop knocking," I said as I came in the door and spotted him smiling at me from the edge of the kitchen. "And maybe I'll catch you in some kind of compromising position."

His shit-eating grin grew wider. "Go for it."

I tossed my packet of papers onto his table. "These are for you, bro."

As the smile faded from Josh's face, his eyes began to widen. "What? Are we getting a divorce or something?"

"Ha ha. You're so funny." I closed my eyes, breathing deeply, trying to squelch any lingering embarrassment I still felt about last night.

So what, really? I was a young woman confident in my sexuality, and I had a very strong sex drive. So sue me. There was nothing wrong with that.

I opened my eyes to see Josh thumbing through the papers. "Wow," he said, checking out all the research I'd typed up on podcasts, including an outline with steps we could take to maximize our success.

"Wow," he repeated as I waited breathlessly for him to get to the last page.

When he did, he lifted it up and studied it, his brow furrowing while he read it carefully. Magic stood by my side as I scratched his chest right where he seemed to like it the most, both of us staring at Josh, waiting.

Finally, he set it back down and looked at me, his face a blank mask. "So did your fiancé whip that up or something?"

I nodded. Devon knew his shit and worked quickly, emailing me the contract earlier today.

Still, Josh stared at me, his bare chest moving up and down as he breathed, not that I was looking of course. But I could tell he was deep in thought.

"Well, I guess it's a good idea," he eventually said. "If this thing takes off, we need to have it all legal, how we divvy everything up between us."

The breath I was holding whooshed out. "Exactly. It's just to protect us both, kind of like a pre-nup."

Josh's eyebrows shot up. "You have a pre-nup with Devon?"

"Well, no. At least he hasn't mentioned it yet. But I'm guessing there'll be one because his family is loaded."

"What a surprise."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Smirking, Josh ran a hand through his hair. "So okay. About this contract, let me look through it a little more. All right?"

"Yeah, sure. Of course. Totally understandable. And I don't know if you saw it in there, but I'd like to put up half the costs too, you know, fifty-fifty on the studio and production fees."

Josh nodded, a small smile on his face. "Okay. I think we might have a deal. I'll have to check with my lawyer and have her get in touch with your lawyer."

Was he joking? "You have a lawyer?"

Shrugging, he disappeared into the kitchen. "Let's just say I know a good lawyer fairly well."

Oh, gross. "Ah, I see. A lingerie saleswoman, a lawyer, God only knows who else," I muttered.

"Hey, I'm not the one who got all frisky in a Nordstrom dressing room," he said loudly.

I felt my cheeks flush. "It wasn't real, you doofus. And why were you listening anyway?"

He came around the corner, two empty plates in his hand, grinning at me. "How could I not listen? I was minding my own business, trying to write on my laptop in bed, when you all got going. Pretty sure the whole building heard."
