Page 37 of The Crush Next Door

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I gulped. "Tomorrow? Really?"

"I already had it booked for the morning, and I called to change it to the afternoon so you could do it too."


"Are you nervous or something?" Josh asked.

But I didn't get a chance to answer because right at that moment, an excited Magic jumped onto the couch, stepped on the remote, and changed the channel.

And guess what the fuck was on?

The damn Wedding Planner!


I felt the color drain from my face as I watched Matthew McConaughey cradling J. Lo's flawless cheeks.

"Fucking hell," I muttered.

"What? What's going on?"

Josh's worried gaze flicked back and forth between my face and the TV which I was still staring at, my breath coming in spurts.

"This..." I tried to say. "This is the second time that's happened."

Glancing towards the TV, Josh squinted his eyes at the gorgeous on-screen couple laughing together like goddamn soulmates. "Second time what's happened?"

"Could you please just turn it off?" I begged, my voice strained.

Hurriedly, Josh grabbed the remote, flicking it off. "What the hell is going on?"

Attempting to take a deep, cleansing breath, I turned to face him as he sat back down on the couch next to me, Magic jumping up and settling between us.

"Have you ever seen that movie?" I asked. "The Wedding Planner?"

"Nope. Never heard of it."

Of course he hadn't. I couldn't picture Josh sitting through a rom-com. "So it's a movie about a soon-to-be groom who falls in love with the woman who's planning their wedding."

Josh looked at me like I had two heads. "And? Why does that freak you out so much?"

"Because my fiancé is in New York City planning our upcoming nuptials with the world's hottest wedding planner."

He laughed. He actually laughed. "What? Don't even tell me you're worried that your beloved fiancé is going to fall in love with the wedding planner."

"That's exactly it!"

"That's ludicrous." He shook his head at me. "Clearly, the guy is crazy about you."

That kind of melted my heart a little to hear Josh say that. "You think so?"

"Yeah. Absolutely. Why would you even think that?"

"Because already, she texts him at weird times. They've had drinks together and stayed out really late."

He shrugged. "I get it. But that doesn't really mean anything."

I appreciated his reassurances, but Josh didn't have the whole picture. So I needed to show him. Grabbing my phone, I brought up the great Violet's website, tapping on the bio link, bringing up her stunning picture.
