Page 56 of The Crush Next Door

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Foster the People

Well, our weekend of loving took a strange turn rather quickly. In fact, a few seconds after Devon and I walked in my door, we started kissing passionately. Hands all over each other, heavy breathing, chills cascading all over my body.

But as I caressed Devon's face, pulling him in, sucking on his tongue, I noticed he felt really warm. Like really, really warm. Scorching hot actually. I pulled back to look at him and noticed his face for the first time since his surprise arrival. God, he was pale and kind of clammy looking.

He stared at me, trying to catch his breath, looking a bit wobbly on his feet.

"Are you sick?" I asked, confusion etching my voice.

"No. No. I can't be sick," he said as he reached for me.

But I dodged his hands and headed for the hall closet where I kept my forehead thermometer. Letting out a frustrated sigh, he collapsed on the couch when I approached him, but he sat still and let me take his temperature.

After it beeped twice, I took a quick peek. "Holy cow, Devon. You have a fever!"

"What? No."

I showed him the thermometer reading, and he clamped his mouth shut.

"When did you start feeling sick?" I asked him, wondering if he'd traveled while under the weather.

"Honestly?" He looked up at me, his eyes somewhat glassy. "I felt fine until just a bit ago. But waiting on your steps for you to come home, I started to feel a little... I don't know. Just off I guess."

Empathy surged through me. "Aw, baby. Let me take care of you."

His smile melted me. "I'm so sorry. This wasn't quite the way I thought it would go."

"It's fine, love. I'm just so touched that you came all this way to surprise me. You're so sweet."

That gorgeous smile of his turned into a yawn that he tried hard to stifle, making me giggle. And then, I took charge, pushing him gently back onto the couch, removing his shoes, digging through his suitcase for comfy clothes, and helping him change.

Shortly after that, I bombarded him with all my homeopathic and natural remedies. I hated cold medicine because it made me woozy, and I knew Devon was the same. So I saved it for times when I was super sick.

I fed him soup and made pineapple-mango smoothies in between zinc lozenges and tea. And I propped him up on my big couch, cuddling up next to him as we binged TV, our bodies always touching just like I'd been craving so desperately.

Sure, I knew it was highly likely that I was going to get sick now. But I didn't care. That was a small price to pay for this physicality I needed. Of course, I would have preferred spending the whole weekend in bed like we'd done right before he'd left.

But that was not to be. So we made the best of it, me taking care of Devon and him milking it. Yeah, he was kind of a baby when he was sick. I didn't mind, though.

And that night, we snuggled up in bed as I tried to ignore Devon's labored breathing. Normally, I would have slept on the couch if he was sick. But no way was I missing out on nighttime cuddles, and he felt the same.

I texted Josh once about the games, telling him I was sorry I wouldn't be able to hang out till after Devon left Monday morning, and he replied back with a simple "No prob."

While Devon and I curled up on the couch Saturday, I heard lots of noises from Josh's place, quite a bit of his loud-ass door opening and closing, and I had to wonder what was going on, what exactly he was up to, especially when I heard voices over there and the faint beat of music.

"God, that Josh guy is loud," Devon complained as he woke up from a light doze next to me.

I rolled my eyes. "Tell me about it."

"How can you even stand it?"

Shrugging, I said, "I guess I've just gotten used to it these past few months."

"Huh. Well, you won't have to put up with it for too much longer."

"What? What's that mean?" I felt a swell of mixed emotions flood through me as I waited for him to take a big drink of his tea and catch his breath.

"It means that we found a place I think you'll like for the wedding, and I wanted to run a few dates by you before we lock it in."
