Page 63 of The Crush Next Door

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God, that was sweet. And hopeful. And inspiring.

For a long while, we sat there in silence, the quiet voices from the TV filling the air, droning on, lulling me. Eventually, Josh handed me a few of my homeopathic remedies.

"Hey, why don't you take these and get yourself to bed? I'll go walk Magic so he can keep you warm tonight."

I yawned then thanked him. "Oh, you know what? You should take an extra key just in case I fall asleep before you get back. There's one in my junk drawer, the one by the stove."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I trust you." I smiled at him. "Besides, it's only a matter of time until I lock myself out."

He laughed as I stood up, heading to the bathroom to get ready. And sure enough, a few minutes later, I was almost completely zonked out on my comfortable bed, oblivious to my surroundings, my head so heavy it hurt.

But even in my half-asleep haze, I soon became aware of the bed jostling as Magic jumped up, settling down beside me. And then, I felt a whisper of a touch against my forehead, a lock of hair being swept from my face, and a quiet voice saying, "Sleep well, Jess."
