Page 65 of The Crush Next Door

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I had no idea what came over me, but I shot him a little glare. "I expected a bit more from a future Hall of Famer with a batting average over .300."

One of his eyebrows shot up. "You know my batting average?"

"Of course. After last night's game, it's .311."

"Whoa. I didn't even know that."

"Well, it's my job to know it. And I'm pretty damn good at my job," I boasted. God, what was wrong with me right now?

"Your job? What's your job exactly?"

We moved forward one space in the eternal line, and I proceeded to tell him about the podcast. Then, he shocked me by asking question after question, for some reason very curious about the whole thing, and he even recognized Josh's name.

By the time I was next in line at the window, he'd pulled up our podcast on his phone and said he couldn't wait to give it a listen.

Oh, my freaking God. Matt Blaze was going to listen to Josh and Jess Talk Sports! I could hardly believe it! And I could hardly wait to tell Josh!

For once, I didn't want the pharmacist to call my name, but she did, and I quickly took care of business, grabbing my pills hidden away discretely in a paper bag. Walking past Matt Blaze who was on his way to the counter now, I shot him a huge smile and had another shock when he leaned in to give me a quick hug, telling me good luck.

Of course, I was speechless and stuttered out a thank you before practically skipping through the store up the main aisle.

Matt Blaze! Holy shit!

First a hug from Chris Hemsworth. And now Matt Blaze. LA was so fucking weird.

And just at the front exit, my mind whirling around in happy-dance circles, something caught my eye.

Birds quieted. The oceans stilled. Angels sang.

Right in front of me sat the most stunning, most beautiful pair of blinged-out flip-flops that I'd ever seen in my life, sparkling in the sunshine that poured in from the huge windows. They practically screamed my name.

Jessica! Jessica! Buy us. We're only ten dollars. And you need to celebrate!

Oh, screw it all! I did need to celebrate! I had just chatted up Matt Blaze about our podcast, and my whole being was spinning webs of dreams and possibilities.

So what if I lost another bet to Josh? What was one more?

I didn't care. Not really.

So that's how I found myself sneaking up my stairs a short time later, trying not to hit the squeaky spot that told the whole building I was home... or more importantly told Josh I was home, carrying not one, not two, not even three, but four new pairs of flip-flops in a rustling, white plastic bag.

Oopsie. That's what happened when you denied yourself, right? I'd gone on a binge, clearly making up for lost time.

I was almost there. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty. Ha!

Just as I turned the key in the deadbolt, I heard a noise close by. Too close by. Shit. There was Josh slowly emerging from his place out onto his balcony, stretching and flexing his muscles in the hot sun like a lion awakening from a nap. Damn it!

"Hey," he said sleepily.

Come on, Jess. Be cool.

"Hey," I replied, biting down on my lower lip as I focused on keeping the bag still and out of sight. "How—how's it going?"

His eyes immediately narrowed. "Fine."

Magic whimpered and put his big paws up on the wall separating our balconies, panting at me, giving me a look like he wanted to say hi.

"Mind if we come over?" Josh said. "I can't find Magic's collar anywhere, and I thought I'd check your place."
