Page 72 of The Crush Next Door

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"I know you're right about it. And Devon and I have already discussed all that. We have a lot in common. We're perfect together. That's not the issue."

Josh looked at me, shaking his head. "So what's the issue exactly?"

"Oh, God, I don't even know. I'm so drunk. I can't. Forget about it."

"Yeah, forget about it." Beer in hand, Josh gestured to the bright green field not far away. "Come on. We have great seats—thank you very much. It's a gorgeous day. Maybe a little hot, but that's okay. We have an endless supply of food and beer. And the Dodgers are almost winning."

Almost winning? I loved how he phrased a tie game. "You're definitely a glass half full kind of person, aren't you?"

"Yes, I am."

He held his beer up to me, like he wanted to make a toast, so I did the same. "What are we cheersing?"

"Baseball on a perfect summer day in LA."

I smiled. "I can definitely drink to that."

Before I could even take a sip, the people around us started making a lot of noise, and I looked at the field. Huh. We were between innings. What was going on?

And then looking at the huge screen, I saw that the camera was trained on Josh and me. And not only that, the people around us were telling us to kiss.

Oh, my God! Josh and I were on the freaking kiss cam!

He must have realized it at the exact same time because we looked at each other, laughing our drunk asses off. No way was I going to kiss him. But I knew just what to do.

Squeezing my beer between my knees, I grabbed Josh's face with both hands, leaning in dramatically, the whole stadium hushed, waiting for the big moment.

Leaning in even closer, I could see Josh's blue eyes go wider and wider, until I quickly went in all the way, veering away from his lips at the last second, wiping a crap-load of blue paint on his cheek.

Laughter surrounded us as Josh grinned, gently pushing me away and rubbing his face. The camera moved on to another couple, and our brief moment of fame faded.

"Nice move, bro," Josh said while I retrieved my beer, taking a big sip.

Shrugging, I removed the wig and slammed it down on his hat. "Just thought you might want to share in the fun."

Now he was the ridiculous-looking one. And that was about how the rest of our day went, the two of us goofing off, being silly, rooting for the home team, having the time of my life.

My worries drifted to the background. Only to be jolted back in the middle of the night.
