Page 26 of Hope Found

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The guys left me to shower after our story time, so by the time I drag myself out and go to find them and my kids, I feel a bit more human, but still pretty raw. Thankfully Maw-Maw was able to get the kids out of the room fairly quickly and the guys took me in the opposite direction. I’m hoping that was enough for them not to be even more traumatized than they already are. Odin texted me while I was in the shower and told me they were in the playroom with the kids.

When I get there I’m speechless. Odin is in a dress up firefighter bunker jacket, acting like he’s putting out fires with the boys. Bodie is at the little cafe set serving Vivi little treats while she pours herself and my grandmother tea. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to these men actually wanting to be in my kids' lives.

I’m standing there watching for a couple minutes when Arden notices me, and he comes running over to hug me. “Are you okay momma?’’

Giving him a big hug back, I reply, “Yeah baby, I’m okay. I just got scared and needed a minute. Are you okay, did I scare you?”

He grabs my hand and drags me over to where Odin and Lochlan are playing, “Nope. Maw-Maw said Odin and Bodie were going to help you. Do you wanna play with us? We are playing firefighters, Odin is a cop, not a firefighter. Firefighters are cooler, but oh well.”

“HEY! How are firefighters cooler? I get handcuffs and arrest people.” Odin asks, disgruntled.

Arden shrugs, “Well, they drive fire trucks with ladders, and cut people out of cars, and they get to put out fires which is super awesome!”

Odin grins and ruffles his hair. “Yeah bud, I guess that is super awesome!”

Lochlan comes to me and hands me a fire fighter helmet, “Come on mommy! Let's put the fire out!”

“Okay baby! Let’s do it!” I laugh, going to where the fake water hose is.

We spend about an hour playing in different areas in the playroom before the guys have to leave. They give all three kids hugs and both kiss me on the way out the door. After they leave the kids ask to swim for a little while. I’m sitting on the side of the pool on one of the patio chairs reading when Maw-Maw comes and sits down beside me.

She clears her throat and when I look over at her she’s grinning at me. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask, raising my eyebrow at her.

“Wanna tell me what’s going on with you and those sexy men?” She says smiling.

Side-eyeing her I mumble, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

She scoffs at me. “I call bullshit, they both couldn’t keep their eyes off of you, and they kissed you before they left. Do you like them or even want to try to see where things go?”

“I don’t know Maw-Maw,” I say, sighing. “They all want me to get to know them and see where things go, but five men? How is that even going to work? Plus I don’t even know if I’m ready! You saw how I reacted earlier and he was just trying to tickle me. Honestly… I’m scared. I wasn’t moving here to find another man let alone more than one. I just wanted my kids safe!” I’m crying by the time I finish my rant.

She moves beside me and pulls me into a hug. “Oh sweetheart, it’s perfectly normal to be scared. You went through years of trauma, that doesn’t go away. As for all five of them being interested in you, why wouldn’t they? You’re an amazing, strong, and beautiful woman. Any man, or men, would be lucky to have you. Love doesn’t always wait for you to find it, sometimes it smacks you in the face. You deserve a chance to be happy.”

I stare up at her, gaping. “Maw-Maw what will people think about me if I’m with five different men? What if people bully the kids because I’m dating five men? Not to mention what happens if we try and it ends badly? The kids will be attached and I don’t want them to get hurt. They have been through enough pain for a lifetime.” I'm looking down at my lap by the time I finish.

She gently grabs my chin and lifts my head till I’m looking her in the eyes. “Who gives a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks? The only people that matter are in this house and I don’t see a problem with it. Most people have more than five sexual partners in their lifetime, so why does it matter if it’s all at once? They all know about each other so it’s not like you're cheating. Plus the kids love them, they will love all the attention, as well as actually having men in their life that love them. I can promise no matter what terms y’all end on, those boys aren’t the type to walk out on the kids. I really think you should give it a shot sweetheart. I think it’ll be worth it.”

I look over to where my kids are playing in the shallow end of the pool, and I take a minute to actually just think if this is something I want, and I think I can honestly say I do. Those men have been amazing. They have shown us more love and affection than I have had in years, and way more than the kids have ever had other than me and through video calls with my grandmother. I think she’s right. It’ll be worth it.

I glance back at her, “Maw-Maw, I think you’re right. It’s worth a shot. Even if it doesn’t work out, I can say I’ve tried and I’m taking steps to heal.”

She gives me a huge smile, “Honey, you don’t have to tell me I’m right, I already knew that.”

Laughing at my grandmother's crazy antics, I pull out my phone and decide to text the guys and let them know I’m thinking about giving it a shot.

* * *


Me and theguys are sitting around the TV watching the LSU game, when all of our phones ding. We look at each other and yank our phones out since there is only one person who would text all of us. Isla.

Isla: Hey guys! Figured this is the best way to do this. Each of you have mentioned me getting to know all of y'all and possibly dating all of you, and while I still have some reservations about some things, y’all have been amazing to me and my kids. Bodie and Odin are welcome to share what I told them about my past. That will help understand more with the issues me and the kids have. I also want to thank you all so much for being there after what happened with Lochlan, it meant so much to me and him. Maybe we can all get together again soon?

I look around at my brothers and they all have goofy grins on their faces.

Callum clears his throat, “So are we doing this? Pursuing Isla?”
