Page 39 of The Third Storm

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“They are reporting to chemistry,” Lori interjected. “To grow… flowers.”

“Who told you they were growing flowers?” Luke asked.

“I have my sources.” Lori’s eyes shot around the room. “Let’s not talk about this anymore, okay.” We nodded in unison, uncomfortable with the shift in conversation.

I enjoyed my time in the lower decks more than I thought I would. My plans to talk Lori out of going dissipated, especially after seeing how many children inhabited the space. Everyone was content that they could stay on the ship. They counted blessings, not burdens, and the kids, although working and not learning, seemed well fed and playful. Someone had given their mothers some chalk, and they lined the walls with lesson plans and games.

“Lori, I’ll be back the day after tomorrow. What about you?” Luke asked.

She blushed, and I backed away from their conversation. I packed everything up and moved it into the hallway. When I finished, and Luke and Lori remained deep in discussion, I joined a young boy in a rousing game of Go Fish.

I decided I would come back before Lori told us it was time to go. It was a miracle my newfound family was still on board and not down here with everyone else. It was my responsibility to help in any way I could. Maybe it was my guilt again, but my heart needed to pay some kind of penance.

“So, what’s the story with you and Luke?” I snickered as we headed up one of many stairwells. My ass better look amazing after this year.

“I think we are going for a walk together the next time we come down. Maybe he can find a place to fuck me where I won’t get spotted by a drone.”

Another guttural laugh left both of us this time. “I hope that works out for you.”

“Me too. There’s nothing to look forward to besides carbohydrates and sex around here. Mark my words. In about ten or eleven months, this place is going to be bustling with newborns. No one rubbers up when it’s the end of the world.”

Shit, that’s true.

The days after lacked the excitement of the lower decks. Sam still hadn’t spoken to me about anything that mattered. The boys enjoyed school and their friends. They slept deeply and peacefully. It was routine, and I couldn’t complain.

My nights had been dreamless, but I still woke randomly. I sat up one night, not sure of the time. I knew I was off the next day and so was Sam. In fact, most of the department had the day off. It was well deserved. We had been breaking our backs to get everything planted.

Then it was nonstop soil moisture checks, fertilization, and temperature control. I already hated radishes, and my disdain for them grew by the day.

Out of habit that night, I placed my hand in front of Sam’s mouth, checking for his breath. It was a routine now. I would awaken, ensure he was alive, then lie in bed and question the choices I made in life.

He was getting around better, but I might never stop worrying. The wheelchair was still necessary, but he could stand for almost an hour unassisted.

This night, however, Sam’s eyes shot open and found mine. I pulled my hand back, startled that he caught me. “Checking to make sure I’m breathing again?” he whispered, nearly silent.

I nodded, inches from his face. I longed for him. He felt so close, but also miles away. Are we still in this together?

He brushed my face with his hand and let out a breath. Inching towards me, his lips met mine, and we clung to each other. He kissed me slowly, and I couldn’t get close enough to his warmth. The barrier closed us off from BeLew, but I heard Sam whisper, “Quietly,” as he pulled down my shorts, and I wiggled my legs free.

I clawed at his pants to remove them, panting while trying to be silent. The feeling of hot skin touching mine immersed me in calmness and relief. His cock twitched against my side, already leaking and sliding against my thigh. I’d missed this. I’d missed him.

“I’m...” he trailed off, staring at me in the darkness.

I pressed my finger to his lips. “You don’t have to say it. Me too, Nico.”

His hand moved down, pulling the sheet back. I felt his gaze cast over my body. “Sam,” he said.

I cocked my head and inhaled, slow and deep. My chest rose and fell and his eyes flicked to my peaked nipples, apparent through my thin shirt.

He wrapped his fingers around my leg and drew it to the side, exposing my wet center to the cool air. “Sam,” he repeated. “Say it.” He inched lower, until he was on his knees at the edge of the bed, looking up at me spread before him. My body shook, and I tried to press my legs together, but he pushed his huge body between my them, moving his shoulders under my knees and locking me in place.

“Say it,” he commanded. “Sam.”

I nodded, but the words caught in my throat. His fingers squeezed, pushing into my skin and pinching, and he waited.

“S-Sam,” I stuttered.

He lowered his face between my legs, rewarding my obedience with a languid lick. A thick tongue dove inside me, massaging my walls and drawing out, only to flick at my clit.
