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In the light of the moon filtering in through the glass walls of the greenhouse, Irving’s skin seemed to glitter, as though his skin were made of tiny diamonds. Sage now knew where that vicious rumour about vampires sparkling came from but she knew better than to mention the absurdity of it to Irving.The appearance of the moon, along with pockets of stars, had come so suddenly. The celestial presence of these pinpricks of light, allowed for Sage to see her vampire boyfriend in a different way.

Sage had meant every word of what she’d said. Her love burned for Irving and she wanted to be with him forever. Of course, this meant he would have to turn her.

Figuring now was as good a time as any, Sage voiced her feelings once again. “I’m happy to spend an eternity with you, you know.”

Irving blinked back his tears, staring at her as though he wasn’t sure whether or not he’d heard her correctly. “Y-you don’t mean…”

“Yes!” Sage declared, taking his hands in hers. “I am willing to do whatever it takes. If being with you means I must sacrifice life as a human, I will do it. From what you’ve demonstrated to me, vampires can’t be half bad--that is-- if they’re as sensitive and sweet as you are.”

Irving gaped at her in silence, sniffling and wiping away the tears that marked his face. At last, he chuckled. “This is Cameron’s work,” he asserted. “That conniving bastard put a spell on you!” He laughed. “Are you sure you know what you’re asking for? Do you really want to be condemned to an infinity of dealing with my compulsions?”

As a response, Sage took his wrist in her hand. She traced a symbol resembling the number eight, but turned on its side. Initially, Irving cringed, but then he realized that the mark she’d drawn was not the number he dreaded, but an infinity loop. “Cameron didn’t hypnotize me,” she stated, grinning “and you know it.”

Irving nodded. He took her hands in his own. “Living as a vampire is not a glamorous life,” he said, seriously. “You will be confined to dark spaces. Food will cease to be enjoyable. Hunger will be your worst enemy, and at times, you might find yourself experiencing the urge to hang upside down. Worst of all, you will watch everyone you love grow old and die.”

“Yes, I know,” Sage said.

She was aware of the unpleasantries related to being a vampire. She didn’t like the idea of having to live off of human blood, nor did she want to be around for the death of her daughter. But, what she hated even more, was the thought of life without him. The two of them completed each other. Irving empowered her, and she empowered him. At long last, he’d allowed her to break away from her past life living under a shadow of self-doubt cast by Mark.

Irving responded so quietly his voice could have been mistaken for the sound of the leaves rustling. “Yes,” he said. “Without you my compulsions control me like a puppet on strings.”

“Then bite me!” Sage threw herself on him. There was something arousing about the idea of Irving sinking his fangs into her neck. She wanted to feel his breath on her skin as he leaned in to taste her.

Irving looked at her in wonder. “What if I find you too delicious? What if I… lose control?”

Sage slid one of her hands down his pants. “So what if you do?” she whispered seductively. For a brief instant she saw his eyes flash red. He swallowed and leaned his head against hers as she continued to stroke the increasingly hardening appendage between his thighs.

“I won’t lose control,” Irving assured her. “I know I won’t, because I never have in your presence. You ground me, Sage. Still, I will turn you slowly, over the course of several lunar cycles. I want to be cautious. You are precious to me, and I will do whatever it takes to protect you. You know this means I will have to bite you? Does that not appall or scare you?”

Truthfully, Sage was a little scared, but her fears were no match for the solace and strength she’d found in their relationship. With her consent, Irving brushed Sage’s hair away from her neck. His cold gentle touch sent shivers down her spine. She could see a flash of fangs in her peripheral, as well as his red glowing gaze. The world was encased in darkness and all Sage could see were hints of her surroundings thanks to the street lamps and clear skies. She had no idea when to expect the bite, and this excited her.

The tip of Irving’s nose brushed lightly against her skin. She could hear him breathing in her scent. “You smell divine,” he told her softly in her ear. It wasn’t long after that he pierced her neck with his fangs.

Sage yelped in a combination of pain and delight. She hadn’t expected the bite to awaken a sense of arousal. The sensation was more like an intense kiss than a piercing prick. One thing was for sure, there was certainly going to be a little more than a hickey leftover.

Irving sucked delicately on the incision he’d made, lapping up the blood that belched from the wound. He made breathy sounds of satisfaction as he slowly drained a portion of her blood. Sage stumbled when he at last withdrew himself from her. She felt lightheaded and giddy. “Did it work?” she asked, glancing down at her hands. From what she could see, her skin didn’t appear any paler. “Am I a vampire?”

Irving laughed. The sound was like a church bell. “How does a goblet of B negative blood sound to you?”

Upon brief consideration Sage sighed and said, “I don’t see the appeal.” Disappointment settled heavy on her shoulders. “Perhaps you should bite me again,” she suggested pressing herself into Irving’s slight frame. “You know you want to,” she added, flirtatiously.

“Patience, my dear,” he responded. “As scrumptious as you are, it’s safer for you if I work slowly. I’ll draw your blood progressively. This is a major decision and if you were to change your mind you could do so up until the midway point.” He cradled her face in his chilled hands. Sage didn’t know if it was the hormones coursing through her body, or the fact that Irving had just fed, but he looked god-like. His pale skin and vibrant eyes seemed to radiate a light not dissimilar to that of the moon. “It means the absolute world to me that you are willing to let me bite you,” he added. “Might I think of it as my Christmas present?”

Sage grinned and nodded. “Yes, you may. It’s only fair, since you’ve given me a gift I couldn’t have imagined.”

Though she wasn’t sure what their future held exactly, Sage was certain it would be one filled with love and adventure. There would be an eternity together, filled with countless more Christmases and countless more gifts to each other, but Sage was confident this one would remain one of her favorites to remember.

Several Years Later

Irving paced back and forth in the lounge, a glass of blood in his hand. “Irving, dear, why don’t you sit down,” Sage suggested. “You’re going to wear a hole in the floor.” She sat at the table with her own share of blood.

With a nervous smile, Irving joined his wife. “It’s silly, I’ve been conducting funeral services for centuries yet I still get restless about them.”

Sage took his fidgety hands in her own and gave him a calming gaze. “You’ll do fine,” she assured him. “You always do, all the while looking stunningly handsome, I might add.”
