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The door to the lounge opened and in walked Cameron and Blake. “The family should be arriving shortly,” Cameron announced.

“We’re not interrupting anything, I hope,” Blake said with a wink.

Irving’s brothers had welcomed Sage into their home with enthusiasm. “At last I don’t have to babysit anymore!” Cameron had exclaimed, jubilantly. It was then that Irving had threatened to draw and quarter him.

“Did you manage to procure a second limo?” Irving asked.

“Yes,” Cameron answered. “I already told you. I rang up a fellow funeral director and managed to convince him to let us borrow one of his.”

Blake snorted. “Convince? You flat out hypnotized that bloke.”

“I fail to see the difference,” Cameron retorted.

Irving rolled his eyes as his nervous hands struggled to knot his tie. Sage couldn’t help but be charmed by his state. Soon he would give up and start smoothing back his hair in agitation. She laughed when he did exactly that.

“You poor helpless man,” she said, taking hold of his tie. “Let me do that for you.”

Sage meticulously formed the double windsor knot and tightened it at the base of Irving’s throat. When Irving glanced down to inspect her work he gave her a nod of approval. “You’ve been practicing,” he observed.

Previously, Sage had been useless when it had come to formulating a half-decent tie knot. It was one of the many tasks with which she’d often fumble. Mark had been impatient, but Irving was understanding. He never once lost his temper with her. That task was reserved for his siblings.

“Tick-tock, brother,” Cameron said, pointing to his watch. “Not everyone wants to wait around here for eternity.” He directed a coy smile at Sage.

“I’ll see you after the service,” Irving said to her. He kissed her before following his brothers out the door.

Unable to believe her eyes, Sage ran after him. Over the last few years, Irving’s compulsions had been fading little by little. Although still present, they seemed to consume his mind less and less. Now, however, Irving had just demonstrated a breakthrough.

“What is it?” Irving asked upon seeing his wife skipping gleefully to him. She wrapped him in a hug, using her super strength to lift him from the ground. Laughing, she pointed to the open doorway he’d just walked through.

“You forgot to close the door!” she exclaimed ecstatically.
