Page 48 of Reign

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I stare at him in shock before sagging against him. My heart just hurts. It hurts for him. Is he just saying this to distract me?

“Nothing about this is okay. You’re not invincible. W-What if you die because of me?”

“I’ve already told you what will happen if it comes to that. Maxim—”

“But I don’twantMaxim to take care of me,” I argue, desperation lacing every word. “I wantyou.I know I agreed to this, I know you said this would happen, but…but…”

His phone rings, cutting off whatever I’m about to say, and he breathes out heavily at the disruption. Reaching behind me, he accepts the call on the screen inside his car. “Maxim…”

“I just got word of your plans.” Maxim’s tone is cold and angry. “When will this fucking end, Milton?”

Milton’s eyes darken in reaction. “It’ll end when it ends.”

“Which will be when? When I’m burying you in the ground?” he demands furiously, stiffening my entire body. Milton’s thumbs rub against my thighs beneath my dress, though it does little to calm me. Maxim curses several words in Russian. At least, theysoundlike curse words. And right now, I’m not sure I blame him much when I want to do the exact same. “Not only have you taken on her demons—” I wince, knowing he’s referring to me. “—but you’re rampaging through the city because of your own. When will it be enough?”

“When will it be enough foryou?” Milton counters, “Sevastyn still walks around like he owns you.”

Maxim goes silent, and I can practically hear him grinding his teeth on the other end of the phone. “You won’t come back from where you’re going. Ican’tsave you this time.”

The line goes dead, and Milton lets out a breath through his nose. Silence floats between us once more, but Maxim’s words hang in the air like a poisonous cloud. “He thinks I want you to do this. Put your life in danger like this.”

“Maxim doesn’t know everything.” Lifting his hand, he runs it through his hair. “Come on. Let’s get you to the manor—”

“Please, no.” Even though I know arguing is pointless with him, I can’t help it. “I can’t just sit there waiting to hear if you’re okay or not.”

“I’m doing this.”

“And then what?” I question. “You’ll go after his uncles next? Then more names on Anaya’s ledgers?”

His body flinches, and I know it’s because I said her name out loud when he told me not to. “I told you you’d regret it, didn’t I? Wanting this with me. This was my path long before you ever stepped foot onto it. Iwanttheir blood. They ruined my fucking life. It’s time to show them what they created.”

My shoulders shake as I begin sobbing, the pain lancing my chest too much to bear because Iknow.I know exactly what he’s saying. How can I deny him his retribution when Iknow? Blake ruinedmylife. I’ll never forget what he did and took from me. Never forget the feeling of his calloused hands brandishing hell on my body and killing the last remnants of my childhood.

And two of Blake’s brothers did that to Milton.

It’ll never be enough for the lifetime of suffering we’ll probably endure from our own tarnished minds. Not our feelings for one another, nor the worries of others. He’s going to do this…and I can do nothing to stop him.

“Don’t cry.” Curling his finger, he wipes my fallen tears away while leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips. It’s the most endearing he’s ever been, and it might be the last time. “It’ll all be over soon, and then it’ll be just us.”

Lifting my hands, I hold his face, staring at his eyes encased in shadow. “Do you promise?”

He kisses me instead because we both know he can’t promise me that. My lips part, giving him entrance, and his tongue dips into my mouth and I feel it right down to the tips of my toes. This kiss feels different in a way that I can’t explain. It’s not a goodbye. It’s a possibility. This time I don’t slap him or push him away. I kiss him back. Cling to him as desperately as he’s clinging to me.

If this is the last time I can kiss him, I’ll take every bit of it that I can.

Between my legs throbs with need. I can’t stop rubbing against his crotch, his pants like soft silk against my thighs. I gasp into his mouth as his lips devour mine, tasting and bruising. My shaky fingers brush some of his hair away from his forehead when we catch our breath. He leans back against the headrest, gripping handfuls of my skirt, holding me close to him.

“Get into the back seat.”

Swallowing hard, I tremble as I get off him and climb over the partition into the back. He opens his door and steps out. A blast of cool air hits me, hardening my nipples as he moves to open the back door. He stands there, staring down at me. My breathing hitches as I watch him unbutton his suit jacket and loosen his tie. “Lie down.”

Slipping down, I lay my back on the seat, staring up at him with my throat dry and my heart beating hard. Heat floods my cheeks as he takes hold of my ankle to pull me closer to him. Moving upward, his fingers push up my dress until it’s bunched at my waist. I’m wearing white lace panties, and he curses beneath his breath as he pulls them down my legs. He pockets them with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

“For good luck.” I can’t help but smile at that, and his eyes rest on my lips for a heated moment before going back to my eyes. Unbuttoning his pants, he pulls the zipper down, and I stop breathing as he frees his cock from his black boxers. I bite my lip as he strokes himself up and down while looking down at me.

“Remember you ran at the festival? And I came for you?” I’ll never forget. “And when you were in Stonehill, I came for you then.”

My entire body feels hot and achy despite the breeze blowing in from outside. Just as I’m about to beg him to fuck me, he climbs over me, the same time shutting the door behind him. My legs fall apart as he settles between them.
