Page 1 of Ours

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Holy Shit,it’s her.

I knew this day would come. Now that it’s here I don’t feel prepared for it. My words are caught in my throat. My heart is beating against my rib cage so hard that I’m afraid it might break through. She’s here. Thethingor woman I hoped I’d never meet.

My sweet, beautiful fiance went into the bathroom but came back out a demon. She’s Megan, that’s what I tell myself, but as familiar as she is standing in front of me, she’s foreign. Still here is the long dark hair, full lips, and asymmetrical features. Everything is distorted, but my Megan is still in there. I know she is, and I force myself to look beyond the madness.

What the hell happened?

I’ve messed up before but never have I ever miscalculated this badly.

Alana’s callous laugh rips through the air, and nausea unsettles the pit of my stomach.

“I should probably thank you. How things had been going, I thought I might just be locked away forever. Then you pulled your little stunt…” she says, amusement dancing in those unfamiliar gray eyes.

“What,Kameron?” She spits my name out like I’m the vilest person on earth. “You’re a bigger idiot than I thought if you’re shocked to see me. It’s not like you weren’t warned stressful situations would roll out the welcome mat for me. You went to the shrink with her a few times; you knew this. Or let me guess, you thought your demure little Megan would just be okay with being kidnapped?”

She really thinks I kidnapped her? Is that whyshe’shere.

Alana frowns at me.

“Why do you look so confused?” she asks, her hands on her hips. “You don’t think this constitutes as kidnapping? Come on,Kameron.You aren’t stupid. But depending on your answer, I might have to change that statement.”

There is a biting edge in her tone that makes her words slice that much deeper. She sounds so much like Megan, but her voice is injected with a deadly venom I’ve never heard before. I have to remind myself that thisisn’tMegan. No matter how much her voice resembles hers or the fact that it’s Megan’s body, I can’t let her words affect me; she wants a reaction. I’m the one in control of this situation, and I’ll stay level-headed.

It could be a hundred times worse than this. If we weren’t already here, she’d be gone, happily on her way back to Ian or wherever the hell else she’d go. This only solidifies that I’ve done the right thing. I’m not letting her out of my sight again.

“I would say it’s nice to meet you, but we both know that’d be a lie,” I say evenly, and she grins.

“Oh, we both sure as hell do know that wouldn’t be the truth, and trust me, the feeling is more than mutual.” She says, condescension lacing each of her words.

“It was inevitable that you’d come back, Alana. The truth isyou’rethe reason why we’re here.”

“Me? Wow. I’m the reason you’re acting like a psycho?” She laughs.

I’m trying to remain as calm as I possibly can on the outside despite my erratic heartbeat and sweaty palms. This version of the love of my life scares the shit out of me, but I refuse to let her see it.

“Having you take over Megan’s body was something we were trying to avoid,” I tell her candidly, keeping my voice strong and authoritative. “We didn’t want that at all. But having you come out somewhere I can keep an eye on you until Megan returns was the reason for this.”

“You say ‘we’- but it wasn’t a‘we’that made plans to stay here,” she says, shaking her head. “You didn’t seem too focused on making a decision as a couple whenyoudecided to keep Megan here.”

“I’m doing what’s best forourfamily,” I rebut, crossing my arms. “Keeping Megan safe and comfortable is my main priority. I definitely won’t let her go just because you’ve decided to show up. Although it’s inconvenient, your emergence couldn’t have happened at a better time. No telling where you would have been by now.”

Again she laughs. “It wouldn’t be hard to find me. Just go to Ian’s.” My stomach twists up at her admission. “Of course, I’d go there, just like last time.” She gingerly places her hands on the top of her stomach and slides them down to the front, repeating the motion, a sly smile on her face.

I know exactly what she’s implying- that the last time she took over, she went and got herself pregnant with Ian’s child, which is the entire reason why we’re in this mess. I swallow hard at the reminder, and I swear her smirk grows.

“You’re such a coward,Kameron. Ian is more of a man than you’ll ever be. Now I get why Megan was always throwing herself at him, seeing that she’s only dealt with a pussy.” I can feel my face heating up, but I know she’s lying. Megan didn’t want Ian. She tolerated him for the sake of peace. Alana will say whatever she can to push my buttons, and I won’t give her the reaction she wants. “Ian would never lock Megan away if the situations were reversed.”

“BecauseMegan’snotthe lunatic,” I point out to her, attempting to keep my voice even but failing. “You are. You’re the one that needs to be locked away.”

Her smirk darkens, and it almost seems vindictive. “Oh honey, do you think you’re the first to do something stupid to keep me away? Megan's already tried with pills meant for seizures, but irony can be a funny little bitch. She stopped taking them because there was a chance of infertility. She wanted to have your disgusting little offspring so badly that she convinced herself she wouldn’t black out anymore. But look at us now.”

“She used to take pills for seizures?”

Megan really could have done damage to herself. Thank God she stopped, but it shows how desperate she was to prevent her blackouts andAlanafrom returning.”
