Page 37 of Ours

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I sneer at him, annoyed, before snatching the book from him. “You could’ve brought me fucking marbles, and I would’ve been happier with that.”

“I can’t read your mind, Alana.” He’s annoyed now. Good.

“You don’t have to be a mind reader to know that ifMeganmight like it, then I won’t give a shit about it.”

“Fine. Tell me what you want, and I’ll get it.” He says tightly.

He reaches for the book, but I move it away from him.

“No.” I glare up at him. “This is the only thing I have to do in this boring ass room.”

“Then why get mad if you’re going to read it anyway?”

“So you get it right next time,” I shoot back at him. “I don’t want shit that Megan likes to do. Give me a pen and some paper, and I’ll write a list for you if you have trouble figuring out what your girlfriend’s into.”

He squints his eyes at me, and his jaw clenches, causing me to smirk at him.

“I got it,” he bites out before turning around and going over to the waiting mop bucket.

I look out the window, going back to my food, and open this book that was written in a time period I don’t give a fuck about.

But I’m not reading it; out of the corner of my eye, I can see him looking at me, and I shudder. I want him to hurry and finish mopping, but soup got everywhere when he almost pissed his pants trying to get away from me.

Say something,Veronica pushes.Have a conversation with him. Show him you’re not a savage 100-percent of the time.


You need to get out of this room.Tell him what kind of books you like. And hurry up before he’s done cleaning.

But oddly enough, I don’t have anything to say, and nothing comes to mind either. What’s going on with me? This has never been so hard before. Why am I having so much trouble getting into this?

I glance up at him, trying to find anything to talk to him about, but I draw a blank. I have absolutely nothing to say to him if my intention isn’t to piss him off.

I watch him put the mop back into the bucket, then he starts pushing it towards the door.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. What to say to PrinceKameron?

“I like shit that keeps me on the edge of my seat,” I blurt out when he reaches the door. “Stories that make my heart race.”

His hand is on the knob, and I think he’s going to keep going. Instead, he turns around and leans on the door. He sets his eyes on me, skepticism heavy in them.

“Is that why you live the way you do?” he asks.

I freeze mid chew. I didn’t expect him to respond with that shit. I thought he was going to ask something about the books I’ve read or the movies I’ve seen, try to pry and see just how different from Megan I am.

But nope, he went straight into trying to get information about why I’m the way I am.

That’s not how I thought he’d reply,Veronica, admits.

Well, since I listened to you, I really need to concentrate, so fuck you very much.

I’ll be quiet.

Good. Now I can focus on this fuckwad.

I squint my eyes at him.

“What kind of life do you think I lead?” I ask him, curiously with a grin.
