Page 51 of Ours

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Where’s this coming from?

Bored curiosity.

It doesn’t matter.

Humor me.

It takes her another few moments before she responds.

Obviously, Blue is attractive, but it's so much more than that. He’s faithful and loyal to a fault. He cares so much. He’s the one person who really doesn’t have a dog in this fight, and still, he risks everything…for us.

I sigh. She’s right. Blue can make screwed-up decisions sometimes, but who doesn’t? One thing I can say is that his heart has always been in the right place.

What about you?

What about me?

You fell so hard for Ian…why?

My first thought is to dismiss her, but she answered me, so it’s only fair, I guess, and there’s nothing really else to go anyway.

I’ve spent so much of my existence being the protector, the hardass, always on the watch for who wanted to do us harm and screw us over….he was the first person that ever made me feel safe.

“But, look at me now,” I say aloud with a bitter laugh, “Possibly pregnant with someone else’s kid. That’s just how my fucking luck works, though. Megan gets the happy parts, and I pick up the shitty pieces.”


She doesn’t get to finish her sentence because there’s a knock on the other side of the door. I sit up straighter, surprised he’s back so soon.

He’s back sooner than I expected.

“What!?” I yell.

Are you going to let him in?

I don’t know yet.

“Can I come in?” He asks quietly.

“For what?”

“To get your dirty clothes.”

Get Megan to come back, and I might.

I’m still getting ready to say no, but I feel Megan ease in, and I let out an annoyed sigh. She wants to see him, and it makes me want to vomit.

“Whatever!” I call out.

The door opens slowly, and his cautious gaze lands on me as he comes in with clean bedsheets, a box, and a pregnancy pillow.

“What’s in the box?” I ask him.

“A few things.” He drops the pillow on the bed before coming over to me.

I pull the tray closer to me and put my feet on the floor so he can set the box down beside me. He lifts the linen off the top and turns back around to go to the bed.

“It's just a few things I thought you might like to have.”
