Page 80 of Ours

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The more Ithink about it, the more annoyed I get. It would have been nice of her to at least warn me about this appointment. A note or something. She was so vocal in Cancun, yet she didn't say shit about this.

Cal drops me off with promises to be back in an hour, and I head inside, loathing this next hour of my life. I already know everything that’s wrong with me; I don’t need her to confirm what I’m aware of. But I’m here now. May as well get it over with so I can say I tried it at least.

I give Veronica’s name to the lady at the front desk, who tells me Dr. Lyce will be with me shortly, and that I can sit in the waiting area. As I’m heading that way, I zero in on the only person waiting, and I falter in my steps.

“Blue!” I call out, and his head snaps up to me. A grin takes over my face, confusion and joy swirling around inside me.

He gives me a goofy smile, one I didn’t even realize I missed, and he stands up to come greet me.

“Aly,” he breathes out, getting it right. “Holy shit.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I question him as I get closer.

He doesn’t answer me. Instead, he surrounds me in an embrace.

“Shit,” he sniffles, his voice cracking. “It’s been forever. I’m so fucking happy to see you. Life’s been boring without you here raising hell.”

“Hey now-” between all these hormones and this surprise meeting, tears sting my own eyes at his words. “Don’t get all sappy on me, ya big baby. I don’t need to cry right now.”

He pulls away from me and holds me at arm's length, examining me as I quickly wipe my tears away. I know he’s getting ready to tease me by how his eyebrows shoot up and that crooked ass grin on his face.

“I’ve seen Megan pregnant, and I’ve seen Veronica pregnant, and they both give off the same warm motherly vibe. But-”

“You better not say some stupid shit, Blue,” I warn.

“I’m not, I’m not,” he chuckles, throwing his hands up. “I was going to say you look like you’d cut someone. More so than before.”

I laugh at him, appreciating that he cleared that emotional bullshit before I really started crying.

“I’m glad you fucking know. But speaking of Megan and Veronica-” I pull my arm back and punch him right in his shoulder.

“What was that for?” He gripes, grabbing hold of the bicep I hit.

“What the fuck were you thinking, taking Megan to Ian like that?” I fume at him, and he holds his hands up.

“I already realize where I went wrong with that,” he says. “You don’t have to bust my balls about it. Everything went to shit, so I’ve learned my lesson. I got told off by everyone involved. I know it was a jackass move. I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, you should be,” I spit out as harshly as I can, but it’s not too abrasive. “Too much shit has happened that wipes that away. If you hadn’t made such a dumbass move, we wouldn’t have known Kameron’s insane until it was too late.”

“How is Megan?” He asks, rubbing the back of his head.

“She’s sulking. She’ll be fine, though. She’s probably the one that needs to sit in on this therapy session.”

“Veronica.” I spin around to find who I recognize as Dr. Lyce, looking down at me from the top of the stairs. “You can come on up. Are you having company in your session today?”

I turn to Blue, whose hawk eyes are already on me. I don’t really want him hearing all the shit I might say.

“I’ll stay down here if you want me to. Veronica asked me to sit in with her; that’s why I’m here.”

Now that he says it, it’s the first thing I should have thought when I saw him sitting here. Every time she comes out, she slinks back to him.

“Why?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at him.

For a moment, he only stares at me before he starts twisting his lip ring. “She said she was going to speak to you about it.”

Just like that, I’m more annoyed.

“Of course she is. Don’t go anywhere,” I order him. “We need to talk.”
