Page 52 of United Loyalties

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The picture becomes clearer, and it’s easy to make out the head. This time, though, its little legs and arms are clear. It keeps putting its hands up to its face. Athud-thud, thud-thud, thud-thud,sounds through the machine.

Cam’s eyes water as they do every time we hear our baby’s heartbeat.

“So, baby is looking very healthy and comfortable. I’m just going to take some measurements. Then would you like me to see if we can tell the gender?”

Cam nods as I answer, “Yes, please.”

After ten minutes of gathering the correct measurements, she informs us that our baby is growing perfectly.

“So, let’s see if we can see what you’re having.” She smiles as she moves the probe higher on Cam’s abdomen.

“So, baby is in a good position, as is the placenta.” She smiles at me as if I know what she’s talking about.

I just grin and nod at her. Not a fucking clue what she’s talking about.

“So, legs are open, definitely willing to show off.” She smiles.

“Which is fine if it’s a boy,” I grumble.

Cam lets out a bell-like laugh and shakes her head at me.

“Well, if you just look here,” the doc hovers her finger over the screen. “I’m very confident that this is most definitely a boy. He’s not shy at all.” She smiles at me and Cam.

A boy? We’re having a boy?

I’m going to have a son?

I turn to Cam and place a kiss to her forehead as she gushes at the scan pictures the doctor hands her.

“Congratulations, both of you.” She switches off her machine and turns back to us. “As long as the pregnancy continues as well as it has, I don’t need to see you again until you are ready to deliver him.” She hands Cam a paper towel to wipe the gel off her belly. “I’ll give you two a moment.” She steps out of the room.

“We’re having a boy,” she sobs.

I take her into my arms as she climbs off the bed. “Yes,angelo.We’re having a boy.” I lean down and take her lips.

She pushes up into me, and I lean down and lift her off the floor. Her legs instantly wrap around my waist as I turn and sit on the edge of the couch. I continue to devour her mouth as she straddles and grinds into me.

“I think she gave us the room for you to get decent,bella. Not for me to get you indecent.”

She huffs as I set her on her feet.

Cupping her cheek, I whisper, “I’ll sort you out when we get home. As for now, I’m sure Bea and Leo would really like to see their baby.”

She blushes as I mention taking her home.

“Okay,” she nods. “I’m holding you to that.” She grins at me as she pulls me toward the waiting area.

“So?” Bea jumps up as we enter the waiting room and rushes over toward us. Leo follows behind.

“It’s a boy,” Cam grins, holding up our scan picture.

“Eek…Congratulations,” Bea squeals as she pulls Cam from my hold into a big hug.

Leo grins at me as he offers his hand in congratulations. He surprises me when he leans in and wraps me in a bro hug. “Congratulations, Alessandro.”

I cover my shock at his affection and grin at him. “Thanks, bro.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Bianchi, you can go through now,” the receptionist chimes.

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