Page 85 of United Loyalties

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“I need to know where Katie is.” I cut straight to the point.

“What has she done now? Leo, let me deal with her. She’s done well at staying away so far, maybe this is a misunderstanding.” He tries to steady the panic in his voice, but the predator in me can smell his fear.

“She has something that belongs to Alessandro. She told me she’s in a safe house and to contact you to get the details. My patience is running thin here, Jackson. I’m not in the mood to play fucking cat and mouse. Send me the details of where she is,” I demand.

“Okay, but please don’t hurt her. I’m sure she didn’t intentionally take anything from Alessandro,” he pleads.

“I only want what is ours. I will not harm her.” I end the call.

Great, of all the people, it had to be her. Bea is not going to like this one fucking bit.

My phone pings with the details as I ride the elevator down to the parking lot.

Now, I just need to decide who to tell first; Alessandro or Beatrice.

Neither seems to be fucking appealing.

I decide to send Alessandro a text to let him know I’ll be round in the morning. I’ve got to sort out the jet anyway, so we’ll depart mid-morning.

Now, I plan to go home and spend the evening making it up to my sweet little wife.
