Page 15 of A Change Of Heart

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It seemed a perfect fit for Jason, a modern day hero.

When she searched the list of surgeons names his picture was there, along with his credentials.She touched his face with her index finger, thinking how lucky the world was with him in it, then slid the phone back in her bag.

The door opened again and a group of laughing teenagers entered.She wondered if they were already out of school for the holidays, then heard them discussing their exams and realized they were probably doing mid-terms.

"Hi guys.Anything I can help you with?"Steph preferred high school kids to middle-schoolers any day.

"Got any cheat sheets for book reports?"one prickly-faced youth asked.

"You mean Cliffs Notes?"she asked.

"Yeah, that's the name.Reading a stupid book called Animal Farm.Thought it might be real easy, but it's a little whacked out."He appeared to be the youngest boy in the group.The others had already scattered throughout the store.

"You'll find it in the back with all the classics.But I would recommend something better called Spark Notes.They give you the original text and right beside it you'll have an easy-to-understand translation."She started walking down one of the aisles."Come on.I'll show you."

"I'd have to read the book and the notes?”He had a dubious tone.“I’m trying to save time here."

"Yes!That way you get the satisfaction of actually reading a great book and understanding the meaning in today's language."She grinned."It's a win-win, and you might even enjoy the story."

"Thanks, but no thanks."

"Your loss," she replied."I discovered reading at the age of ten and never looked back.Opened the world to me.It might do the same for you."

One of the other boys came toward her.He had dark, chin-length hair and a smirk."I'd rather have you open the world to me.I'm sure I could learn a few lessons."He brushed his shoulder against hers and she took a step back.

"Like how to be polite?"she said, moving away.Why was being a teenager so difficult?

Henry entered with the bag of goodies from next door and eyed the young men."Everything all right here?"

"Yes.”Steph wasn’t intimidated by these kids who were basically puppies with bodies and brains each going different directions.“They were looking for Cliffs Notes, but I suggested Spark Notes instead.”

“Why not just read the book?”Henry asked as he set the bag on the counter.

Steph shrugged.“Kids today are either Harry Potter fans or find mental stimulation by reading texts."

"Hey, that was funny," the cocky guy said.

With Henry staring them down, the three teens quickly chose what they needed and paid for them at the counter.They rushed out the door, bumping shoulders together as boys will do.

Henry took out the croissants and handed her a steaming hot cappuccino."Let's sit down a while."

This was not the first time he had stayed to enjoy the break with her.When she'd first arrived, he'd take his food and eat in his office.Now, he seemed more comfortable with her presence.

She gave him a smile and touched his hand."Thank you, Henry.I'd like that."

"No need for thanks," he said as he moved the food and drinks to the small window table."I want you to know that there's a button under the cash register that links to the police station if you ever need it."

"Glad you told me.It's a reassuring thing to have, although we both know there is very low crime in Harmony."She grinned and placed her hands around the warm Styrofoam cup."The one guy was cocky, but I don't think they meant any harm."

"Just saying, it's there if you need it.Once a few years back there were a few boys giving us trouble.Break-ins, bullying people.Chief Wallace got them straightened out quick."He sipped his drink and sat back in his chair, his expression earnest.

She watched him in silence, trying to figure out a way to steer the conversation toward Nicole.

He beat her to it."Suppose you're wondering about my daughter.Why I don't go visit her?”

"Henry, I think your grouchiness is just outside armor against further hurt.You're a good man."Steph broke off a piece of the pastry."One can never stop loving a child no matter what they do.Right?At least, that’s what my mom says."

He sat with his body bowed and his hands folded.
