Page 16 of A Change Of Heart

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Her pastry caught in her throat as she swallowed."Henry, I'm sorry.This is none of my business."

He raised his head, his eyes misted with unshed tears."I'm not entirely heartless.But I won't be giving her a kidney either."

Her stomach clenched.Her mom and dad would have ripped their hearts out for Jessica, or for her, or the boys.She put her hand over his."I'm sure you’ll make the right decision.I learned this morning that it's better to forgive and forget."She thought about her reaction to Jason."Your nephew made me realize we can't change the past, so best to let it remain there."

Henry wiped his eyes with a tissue and blew his nose."Girl got messed up in her teens.Hung out with real bad people.We pleaded with her, and she came home for a while.She was in rehab too, but the day she got out she took her mother's jewelry, not that Mary had much, but a few of the pieces had sentimental value.Probably sold it for drugs.Now she wants me to come around?Too late for her.Too late for me."

"It's not, Henry.Jason said Nicole’s been clean for years.Please give her one more chance.”Steph paused, then asked, “What would your wife want you to do?"

Henry looked stricken at her question."Mary had a soft heart.Always did."He mopped his eyes with a wadded napkin."You don't know half the things she's done.A long list that broke our hearts, time and time again."He drank the last of his cappuccino."Now that's the end of it.Don't want you bothering me any.You just take care of yourself, young lady.You fine with that?"

He was right, she needed to butt her nose out of it."Of course, this is your decision.It’s just that I’d hate to see you making a mistake that you'll regret."

He didn't say a word, just looked out the window, his jaw set.

"Sorry, starting now I'll keep my opinion to myself."

His voice was gruff."That's a good girl.Now eat that nice croissant.Don't go a wasting it."

"Nothing goes to waste around me."She reached for her pastry and the raspberry and chocolate flavor burst in her mouth."This is so good," she murmured, then pinched off another piece."You got the same?"

"Sure did.I’d marry that baker woman, if Mary wouldn’t put the hex on me." His eyes lit up and he chuckled at his own joke."Baker's plump, just the way I like them."

"Oh Henry!”He had to be teasing just to get a rise out of her.

He bit into the pastry."Mary will keep an eye on me and wait for my arrival.But I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon.Still a little life in these here bones, right?"

"Right."She'd taken her last bite when the door tinkled again.She wiped her fingers on the napkin and stood."I'll get that."

"Good.Knee’s acting up again."

She put a hand on his shoulder as she passed."You remind me of my grandpa.He moved to Phoenix for the warm weather."

"You trying to get rid of me?"

"Of course not.”She laughed.“I'd be out of a job if you did."


Stephanie turned to her customer, still smiling."Hi!Welcome to Books & More.Can I assist you in any way?"

The woman—who looked to be in her fifties—wore a wool coat with a heavy red-and-green shawl draped over."Just browsing.Done most of my shopping, down to the stocking stuffers."

"Are you thinking books, or gift items?"

"No even sure yet.Isn't that silly?"

"Well, maybe I can steer you in the right direction.Are you buying for a man or a woman?Children?"

"Depends on what I find," she said lightly."Which reminds me that Idohave a lady friend who loves romance.You know, the kind of books where most women hide the cover.Not porn, but good, old-fashioned romance.Can you recommend something?"

She nearly laughed."Yes, I have just the book.You'll see autumn leaves on the cover and binding.Author name is Savannah Carlyle."

"A very talented writer too."Henry winked as he and Charlie limped toward the office.

"You certainly know your stock.By the way, I'm Tara Flannigan.You're new here, aren't you?"

"A little over three months now.I'm Stephanie Collins.It's a pleasure to meet you, Tara.Let me know if I can help you with anything else."
