Page 23 of A Change Of Heart

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She glanced at her cell phone, noting the time."Sorry everyone, but I really must go home and finish a chapter.It's been so nice getting to know you."

"You can't go," Ally said, putting a hand on her arm."The show is about to begin."

Knowing her chance to leave was shot, she remained seated.

The sky was lit by stars, and four shepherds appeared.Nathan began the slow move toward the stage, and Tom followed leading a donkey.When the shepherds came across a makeshift stable, Nathan told the others that it was time to rest.

Flashing lights behind the stage drew their attention and the sound ofO Holy Nightplayed softly as Nathan discovered the manger.With much ado, he lifted the baby wrapped in cloths and held her high for all to see."This is our Savior, praise be to God."

The setting was perfect, and the evening sky surprised them when a bright star flitted in and out behind a slow-moving cloud.

The mood dissipated rapidly when Sophie started wailing and kicking her chubby little legs about, and there was laughter in the crowd.Pretending to be Mother Mary, Ally tossed a wrap over her head and shoulders to rescue her baby girl.She cradled her, rocking back and forth, and moved out of sight.

Nathan raised his arm, and a screen was quickly removed from the stage.A small band began the beat as Tom joined Nathan in a rockin' performance ofJesus Christ Superstarto the delight of everyone watching.The crowd stood, clapping and singing along with their hometown karaoke rock stars.

Ally, Julie and Kara were jumping up and down, singing and dancing.For a few precious minutes, she joined in.Then she stopped, her heart pounding so hard she felt it might burst.Jason!If she'd agreed to the date and not pushed him away, he'd be here with her now and who knew what magic the night might bring?

She put a hand to her aching heart and closed her eyes, attempting to forget the memories that bubbled inside.

She missed him.Pure and simple.Had to be because she was amongst these wonderful couples.Their good-natured laughter and high spirits only added to the emptiness inside of her.

When the men returned to their seats and their adoring wives, Stephanie slipped away.She barely remembered the rush down Main Street, running up the outside stairs, unlocking the door, eyes misted with tears.

She changed out of her street clothes and slid into warm flannel pajamas, then lit the scented candle next to her bed.Glancing out the window her thoughts drifted the way of the clouds.It was past midnight when she snuffed out the candle.

Closing her eyes tightly she began to count sheep.They were following shepherds who were guided by the stars to a place called Harmony.
