Page 24 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Seven

Joe Henley, driver of the truck that had caused a freeway accident, was in a coma when Jason arrived at the hospital.The situation was grim.Three shocks to his heart with an automatic external defibrillator eventually brought him around.When he was stable enough Jason and a team of doctors worked on his legs—but the outcome was uncertain.The possibility existed that he'd never walk again.

Weary and emotionally exhausted, Jason left the hospital around midnight and fell fast asleep, face-down, fully dressed.

The sun was peaking through the blinds when he opened his eyes.The first thing he did each morning was check his cell phone for any urgent calls.Frowning, he noticed several missed calls from Stephanie, with no message.Had she changed her mind about their date?They had never confirmed it.

He didn't know and was too tired to care.He didn't need any more crisis in his life right now.Between his job, his concern over Nicole, and Steph's unwillingness to give him a chance, he was worn out.

Stephanie headed the list.Instead of accepting that they were being given a second chance, she stubbornly decided it was not to be, as if he had no say in it at all.Maybe growing up on a farm had made her mule headed.

He rubbed his hands over his face.

That damn date tonight had been a stupid idea.Again, he’d handed the reins over to her, allowing her to hurt him again.He’d return her call and before she uttered a word, he'd let her know that she was right, it was better to move ahead and not look back.Yet, it was the chicken’s way out.He should face her during this conversation, like a gentleman.Mind made up, Jason took his shower, had breakfast, and dressed.

He'd drive there right now and set her free to do whatever the hell made her happy.But it wouldn't be with him.They were done.

He wouldn't be cruel, that wasn't his intent.Would there be regret in those gorgeous emerald eyes of hers, or the happy spark he remembered from years past?He’d missed seeing it, longed for it actually, only not this way.Not this way at all.

Truthfully, he hoped to see utter disappointment, even a tear or two, then he'd put his arms around her, pull her against his chest and tenderly kiss her, as he had done so many years before.

What the hell?She wanted him to date the entire medical staff, anyone but her.Well, he just might.

On his way out, his cell rang.Thinking it might be her, he answered, "Hey, saw your calls...”

He was interrupted by Sam Farley, the chief of staff.

"I know it's early, but could you come on in?"Sam cleared his throat."You need to cover for Michael Helms—his wife is in labor.His shift ends at noon, so you won't be tied up too long."

Jason stiffened, sorry that he'd answered the call, but he knew where his loyalty lay.“On my way.”

When he showed up at the ER, he immediately went to work.

A young kid had injured himself on a dirt bike, so Jason stitched him up and sent him upstairs to spend a night before his release.Another young woman was treated for a ruptured appendix.Thinking that was it for the day, a new arrival showed up.The fifty-year-old man had been stringing lights and fell off a ten-foot ladder.

It was late afternoon by the time he walked out of the ER, and a part of him wanted nothing more than a bed and crashing for a few hours.Instead, he showered again, ate a power bar and drank a large smoothie.

Luckily, he found a parking spot a block down from Books & More.He locked his car, stuck the key into his jacket pocket, and tried to figure out the best way to bring up dinner tonight.She might never want to see him again, or woman-like had already changed her mind and would welcome a dinner out.Free meal, why not?

He couldn't believe Steph had flown to see him all those years ago and then left without a word.She could be hard-headed and a real P.I.A. He should have flown to Maryland and taken her back to California the minute he'd learned Jessica was doing her therapy from home.And might have if it hadn't been for Covid.He, like everyone else, couldn't go anywhere.Not even to an outdoor picnic.

Damn.It wasn't too late to jump back into the BMW and drive right home.Could even pick up some artery cloggers like Kentucky Fried or Kung Pao chicken.It'd go down well with a couple of beers.

Even as he thought this, his feet kept walking toward the bookshop.

Or he could invite Henry to join them for dinner.His uncle would make a terrific buffer between the fireworks he expected coming from Miss Bossy Pants.

The madder Jason got, the more he wanted to drag that woman right into his arms and show her who was in charge.

It was a few minutes before six when he pushed through the door.

“Sorry, we’re closed,” Stephanie said, her back to him.She was dressed in a green figure-hugging sweater with black slacks.“We open at 9:30 tomorrow."

He grunted and marched forward.“Is that good customer service?”

She swung around."Jason!"

"Expecting someone else?"
