Page 25 of A Change Of Heart

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"," she stuttered."What are you doing here?"

"We’d talked about having a date tonight.Remember?"

"Uh.Yeah.”Her gaze hardened.“But I thought the disappearing act you pulled last night would mean no date tonight."

"Well, it probably should have, but I worked all day and didn't get a chance to eat...or return your calls.So here I am."

"Oh, how my heart quivers."Steph rolled her eyes, the same emerald as her sweater."Fine thing to tell a lady you hope to impress."

"Who said I want to impress anyone?I thought my good looks and charm were enough."He shot her a slow, lazy smile, the kind that drove women crazy.

"Well, it's not working," she told him, shutting him down completely.

His smile faded and he slid his thumbs into his jean pockets, watching her like a hawk.

Did she want to go out with him, or not?

"If you're just going to stand there, at least make yourself useful.Could you please put the CLOSED sign on the door, then grab a broom and sweep the tree frosting off the floor?Henry hates a mess."

He did as asked, then leaned on the broom to look her over.She was beautiful and defiant.If he hoped to crack her amour it would be a Herculean effort.Did he want it bad enough to push this further?Sadly, the answer was yes."I figured we should invite Henry with us so he could be our mediator."

"You think it's going to come to that?"

If Henry was with them, they wouldn’t kiss."As long as we don't need boxing gloves, I think I can handle myself."

The way she speared him from twenty paces he wasn't entirely sure who would come out on top.


Stephanie was grinningas she ran into the bathroom to wash up and refresh her lipstick.When she returned to Jason’s side, she noticed he was leafing through one of her books.

"You looking for anything in particular?"

"Just the racy scenes."He raised his brows comically."Hey, am I in any of your stories?"

"Only the ones that have a cad for the main character."She took the book out of his hands and tucked it among the bestsellers."So, I'm ready—unless you want to buy my racy books."

"I'll pass for now, but I'll pick up a few later as Christmas gifts."

"And who would be reading them?The nurses I mentioned?"The minute she said the words, regret filled her.She needed to stop pushing him away.What if he didn't come around anymore?How would she feel then?

"Stephanie?"He looked so earnest it made her want to hug him.

"I'm sorry.Bad joke."She took his arm."Let's go.I called for a table at Nathan's Bistro across the street.With the holiday season here, he's really enhanced the menu and decor."

"Nice.We don’t need to drive then."

It was already getting dark, but the bright lights of Main Street had a festive air, and Stephanie was on a date with Jason.It seemed weird and yet right.She'd pined for him so long, and tonight could be a new beginning.But what about her dreams?Could she have both?

Jason held the door for her as she slid past him to the small entrance.Her pulse rose but she attributed it to the delicious scents coming from the kitchen.Garlic, oregano, thyme—one of Nathan's delicious pasta dishes?Couldn't be Jason, no way.

"Something smells good," Jason said, removing his jacket and gloves to hang on the rack next to the front door.Stephanie had thrown on a burgundy wrap to cross the road and didn't want to relinquish it just yet.

The bartender Luke nodded to them as they entered and she smiled back.A few times after work she'd sat at his bar and sipped on one of his new creations.She wasn't much of a drinker, but each martini she'd sampled slid down her throat smooth as could be.

A striking young blonde waitress, probably a decade younger than herself, greeted them both and led them to a table for two next to the window."I'm Clare, and I'll be your server tonight."She handed them each a menu."Have you been to Nathan's before?"

Stephanie nodded."I work across the street at the bookstore.Only been here for three months but this is my "go-to" place.Are you new, too?"
