Page 27 of A Change Of Heart

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"Sure!We have lobster linguine that Nathan patiently shelled himself," Clare said with a nose scrunch."Can you imagine?"She checked her list."Also, almond-crusted grouper with basmati rice and asparagus, and third, a New Zealand rack of lamb with red roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus or broccoli."

"They all sound good, but I'll stick with the lasagna," Stephanie said.“Although that grouper is tempting.”

"If you share your lasagna, I'll order the grouper."A half-smile settled on Jason’s face.Was he remembering too how they used to share dinners?Followed by one huge dessert.


"Another drink?"Clare asked.

"I'll wait for dinner," Stephanie told her, picking up her glass again.Jason still had half his wine.

A few minutes later, Clare dropped off a basket filled with garlicky bread.They couldn't resist and picked at the appetizer while they caught up on the missing years of their lives.

Steph explained the slow process of Jessica's progress, how her sister managed to get her online degree and first job as a receptionist in a local doctor's office."Jessica likes it well enough but she's goal oriented and is determined to work in an actual hospital.Rehab is where she'd like to end up, or the children's ward."

"Giving back to others is a rewarding job no matter what field."Jason sounded impressed.

"I know.I'm so proud of her."She waved at Clare and ordered a glass off merlot to pair with the lasagna.Jason nodded for a second glass.

"Tell me about the rest of your family,” Jason said, after Clare delivered the wine.“I want to know how they’ve coped over the years.It's a different journey for everyone dealing with a crisis."

"For sure.Dad is an ox.He just worked the fields and found more and more things to do.It kept him sane, I believe.The boys were getting their businesses up and running, but they helped with the farm as well."

"What business are your brothers in?"

"They opened a garage together and work mostly on expensive cars.Old Mercedes, BMWs, Cadillac's, all out of warranty.It's a lucrative business and their wives do the accounting, answering phones, advertising too.It's a family affair."

"Good for them.”Jason never released his gaze and her stomach warmed.“And you?How did you start writing and get a publisher?"

She told him over their shared dinners how she'd used the school library in her senior year and read all the available books geared to aspiring writers."It was an extensive list, but so helpful.I learned all the basics—plotting, character development, descriptions, and most important of all, GMC."

"What is that?"Jason asked after swallowing a bite of lasagna and dabbing his mouth with the napkin.

"The bible of writing fiction.GMC: Goal, Motivation, and Conflict, by Deb Dixon."Saying the words aloud stopped her for a second.She'd never realized before that those three words were identical to their very own story."Without it the story is really bare bones.Nothing to make you turn the next page.Took me a while to get the hang of it, but once I did, I began to publish."

"So that's it?You read the books, learned the skill, and your career was launched?"He tasted the almond-crusted grouper."Mmm, delicious."

Steph laughed."Not launched, no!"Her publishing journey was slow but thankfully steady."I wrote half a dozen books that I sent to various publishers, only to be told, 'sorry, we can't accept this crap,' or something along those lines."She had a drawer with saved rejections.It was the pathway to publication.

Jason chuckled."Not that bad, I hope.I readA Season To Love.I enjoyed it very much.Especially certain scenes,” he said with a knowing smile.

"Not bad work, considering I had no experience," she said pertly.

He sputtered, then wiped his mouth with his napkin."I'm sorry about that, but you probably remembered enough from our summer together."

"A dull memory."She cut into her lasagna and balanced it on her fork."Rejections hurt, but they were right.My writingwasn'tgood enough.So, I kept trying and then three years ago I had my first agent and my first book published.It was so exciting."

"I bet.Like bringing a patient back to life."

Steph’s lips twitched."Well, not quite.I think yours trumps mine."

"We're not having a competition here.I'm very proud of you."He leaned over to caress her cheek."So, tell me. How many do you have published?"

"Six, with a contract for another two."

"That's a great achievement."He drank from his glass of lemon water."Still...”

"Still what?I'm perfectly happy with my small success."
