Page 29 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Eight

Sunday morning Jason was stirred from sleep by the sound of his phone ringing.He wiped his eyes and rolled over.Seeing the time, he bolted upright.Crap!It was after ten.He'd promised Stephanie that he'd pick her up and they'd drive to the clinic together.

He shook his head to clear away the fog.He was never late; it wasn't even on his radar.As a surgeon he lived and breathed by the clock.

He'd learned early on in his career that all personal arrangements could be broken, whereas patients were never left to die.He should have gone straight home after leaving Steph, but he'd been too energized to sleep.Instead, he’d dropped by the hospital to check on Joe Henley, the heart attack patient.He'd been delighted to hear that he had movement in his legs and hopefully would make a full recovery.

He was in an exceptionally good mood as he was leaving the hospital, then an ambulance arrived with several kids.One dead.The others close.It was four before he got home.

Checking his messages, he saw that Steph had called twice and ten minutes ago she'd sent a text.Can't reach you.Not sure where the place is so Iordered a cab.

He scrunched up the pillow behind his back and hit redial.She answered on the third ring."Hey,” she said.“I was about to go downstairs, right on time, Mr.Don’t Be Late.What happened?"

Jason gave her the short version."Stopped at the hospital to check on a patient, and as I was leaving an ambulance with three kids arrived.One young lady was DOA, she looked about twenty, and the other two had serious injuries.So, I didn't get home until late."

"Oh, Jason, I'm so sorry."She released a sigh."Don't worry about me, you had a tough night and must be exhausted.If I were you, I'd stay in bed and get some rest."She paused then asked, "How are they?"

"The driver, Adam, was in ICU when I left. The second girl sitting in the back of the car had a head injury but was conscious."

"You're everybody's hero, twenty-four seven.How you do it, I don't know but the world is better with you in it."

"Thanks, Steph.Means a lot to me."

"The poor families.It's a call no parent should ever get."Her voice thickened."I'm sorry, but this makes me so emotional."

Because of Jessica, he knew."It’s never easy delivering bad news or for those hearing it.As you well know.Doctors can only do the best they can, they don't play God."

"Yes.I know.Jason, you should really get some rest."

"I'm fine.Used to getting a few hours at a time." He couldn't stifle an audible yawn."I'll grab some breakfast, and meet you over there.Let Nicole know I'm still coming?"

"Will do.And Jason, thanks for calling."

"As if I wouldn't."He chuckled and hit end.

Kicking off the covers he hit the floor and did his push-ups, all fifty of them, twenty-five sit ups, then twenty minutes of intense spinning on his stationary bike.The exercise always got his heart pounding and ready to climb mountains—which he did practically every day.

Sweating profusely but feeling pumped, he showered, toweled off, and dressed.Next came the brown loafers and his leather jacket.He went into the kitchen, tossed some ingredients into a blender and drank his power smoothie while standing at the counter.

He might be a fool, but he needed to see Stephanie today.Last night had been amazing, a breakthrough, but would it last?

He knew not to pressure her, but the older he got the more he realized that his home life was empty.That was a big part of the reason he spent so much time at the hospital.He felt useful.Needed.

Only Stephanie, or a woman just like her, could change that.

His mother had told him to get a cat, so he'd have someone waiting for him at the door.He thought she was kidding but wasn't sure.

Attractive nurses had made it clear they'd be happy to do more than a cat.It would relieve his boredom.Some.The frustrating part was that he didn't want the other women, he wanted the girl from his past.Everyone deserved a little happiness, was it wrong for him to be human and want it all—the wife, children, a home of his own?Night after night he returned to his empty apartment too numb and exhausted to do anything about it.

He rinsed out the blender, put the mug into the dishwasher, then grabbed his keys and gloves.A few minutes later he was in the underground parking garage warming up his Beamer, then driving down the highway, changing the radio station to sports to catch up on the Philadelphia Eagles.They had a tough game coming up and expected to get their asses handed to them, but they had a new wide receiver who could run like nobody's business.

He drummed his hands on the leather steering wheel, wishing for a second that he had an ordinary life and could do simple things like take a friend to a game.It was a home game, but he was on call.He was always on call.When he wasn't on call, he was working.

A woman would have to be crazy to sign up for that.He hated to admit it, but Stephanie made sense.Only a woman in his profession would not be upset when something came up and another meal or plans were disrupted.If Stephanie wouldn't budge from her declaration of indeptance, then he'd set his sights elsewhere and forget about his youthful infatuation.He wanted a wife.


The cab stopped infront of the clinic.Stephanie paid her fee in cash, then walked through the main doors to the reception desk."I'm here to see a friend, Nicole Ellis?"
