Page 32 of A Change Of Heart

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He bent down and kissed his wife's head."How are you today?"he asked with obvious concern.

"Much better now."Nicole touched her son’s arm since he hadn't moved from her side."Come closer.No jumping though."

Heulyn helped Nicole shift in the large chair so she could give her boy a kiss.His little hands clung around her neck.His dad eventually had to break the hug, which made Rhys cry.

"I really should leave."Stephanie read a text message on her phone."Jason is in the parking lot."

"Don't you want to wait for him?"Nicole gave her a curious look.

Her phone dinged again.You still here?

She replied,Yes.Could use a ride home.

Got it.

"I'll wait outside," she told Nicole and her family."Give you a minute alone."

Once in the hall, she began to pace, ready to flee.Steph now knew what Nicole wanted from her, and a taxi would be better than riding with a man she couldn't get enough of.His name was Trouble with a capital T.

It was obvious that Nicole and her husband shared true love.Wasn’t that every person’s goal?It was in her books, anyway.Mr.Trouble had the power to destroy her plans and dreams if she let him.This crazy attraction was more of an obsession, sucking her willpower day by day.

She hit the down button on the elevator and the door opened, with Jason inside.

"Hey.”He grinned and her tension rocketed.“Where are you going?I'm your ride, remember."

"I've outstayed my welcome.Nicole’s husband and son are here now."

"Good.Let me say a quick hello then."

They walked in together and she stood near the window as Jason shook hands with Heu, ruffled Rhys's hair, then greeted Nicole with a kiss to her forehead."How're you feeling?"he asked his cousin."Keeping your spirits up, I hope?"

Nicole nodded."Trying to.I've been here for hours, and my time is up.No one has taken this blasted machine off me."

"Let me help."Jason turned around and tapped a nurse chatting with a male patient."Pardon me.I know you’re busy but that lady over there, Nicole, has been here for the past four hours and would like to go home with her family.”He finished his request with one of his smiles.

The nurse’s cheeks filled with color as she fell under Jason’s spell—and the man wasn’t even in his doctor’s scrubs."Of course, sir.I'll be there right away."

Jason swung around and winked."Good news.She'll get you out of here real quick."

Stephanie said another round of goodbyes and grabbed her coat and bag that she'd nearly forgotten in her haste to leave.She followed Jason down the corridor and heard him chuckle.

"What's so amusing?"she asked.

"You look like a candy cane."

"Oh, thanks."She rolled her eyes."Just what every girl wants to hear."Her winter coat was white, her scarf and boots were red."It's seasonal.Get used to it."

He laughed."Personally, I think you look great, but as far as compliments go, I've been out of practice."

"I bet."She stuck her nose in the air."I'm sure you have the nurses drooling all over you, like the one in there just now."

"I hope not.Very unsanitary."

“Not funny, Jason.”Hating her jealous reaction, Steph tossed the end of her scarf over her shoulder and marched toward the elevator like she was accepting a Noble prize for literature.
