Page 45 of A Change Of Heart

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"You can say that again," she whispered against his chest.

He noticed how lonely and vulnerable she was in this small cubby hole she lived in—fragile too.She tried to be tough and succeeded most of the time, but this was her real self, the same young woman he’d known before.

"Steph, I'll take a look downstairs and see if anyone is lurking around, but you probably frightened him away."He lifted her chin and held her gaze."You can be quite scary you know."

She batted his arm and put her nose in the air."Years of practice.I took a self-defense course after the shooting, but I’ve never had a chance to use my moves."

With a chuckle and a shake of his head, Jason opened the door, ready to do battle for her if needed."Lock up behind me."

Steph nodded and he hurried down the steps, hoping the intruder was long gone.He checked the area under the metal staircase, then ran down the alley to Main Street.He looked both ways and spotted a man with a plastic bag down a block and across the street.

Jason had two options.Chase him down, or leave him alone to find a vacant place to sleep.The temperatures had dropped over the last few days, and it was supposed to freeze tonight.Decision made, he gave chase, if only to give him some cash.The stranger took off, turned a corner, and was still on the run.

Jason stopped and caught his breath as the man disappeared.He put his hands in his pockets and headed back.There was a small community of homeless folks somewhere in the park, but he didn't want to leave Stephanie alone.

When he knocked on her door, she welcomed him in with a mug of hot chocolate to warm him up.He sat on the chair, and she, cradling her own cocoa, perched on the edge of the bed.

The place was dismal and crowded with two people in it.

"Did you see anyone?"she asked.

"Saw a guy on the other side of the road and chased him for a while, wanting to offer him some cash so he wouldn't have to freeze tonight.He kept running though.”

"I probably should have let him sleep here, but I panicked."

"You did the right thing.When someone is cornered, quite often they become violent.Not saying he was or could be, but a woman alone would have no defense.Even with your training," he added with a slight smile.

"I hope I never have to use it."

He noticed her vision board and she explained it in detail.Every word hurt.She was so excited to travel—without him.Being a good loser, he'd drive her to the airport and wheel her bags to the check-in-counter.

He got up from his chair and rinsed his mug in the small sink.Everything about this place was ridiculously tiny.How had Nicole survived here for a few years?He glanced at Stephanie who looked in deep thought.

"I can see why you might want to get out of here."To emphasize his point, he stretched, and his arm hit a wall.

She laughed."I'm not as big as you."

He looked her over."No, you'd never fit into that bed if you were."

"I think you might fit fine."

She flushed when she realized what she'd said."I didn't mean...”

"I know.But if you ever change your mind...."He left the sentence dangling.The one thing he knew was that he'd like the opportunity to try.

"Hey!”Steph patted the chair.“Did I ever tell you what Nicole asked of me?"

Jason turned to her, his hopes running high.Was the question asked because she wanted him to stay?He was probably reading things into it because he wanted it so bad."No.What was it?"

"She hid a journal underneath the floorboards of the bed and asked me to get it for her."

"Interesting."He leaned down to peer under the bed."Want some help finding it?"

"Not tonight.My bones are still achy."She smiled."I need a massage, not an excavation trip.But perhaps another time?"

"Can I at least offer you that massage?"His eyes were glued on her face.Couldn't she see how much he loved her—and always would?

"It sounds so tempting, and I hate to say no."
