Page 47 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Twelve

Tuesday mornings were quiet, and this one particularly so.A light rain kept most of the shoppers away.Their only customer bought some Godiva chocolates dressed up in a pretty box with a red ribbon, and then she left. Henry was hanging out in his office with his mug of freshly made Irish coffee, minus the alcohol.He'd even let her lace his drink with a touch of Irish cream, and a dash of whipped cream on top.

The store was sparkling clean as Stephanie had nothing to do.Glancing out the window was not as much fun today without the soft, drifting snow and pedestrians hustling about.She could be upstairs working on her new book instead of drinking Irish coffee, and wondering why she'd sent Jason home last night, when she'd really wanted him to stay.Their relationship was step forward, and two steps back.

In the hospital when Jason suggested going with her on this great adventure, she'd been unprepared, confused and yes, elated.When he brought up that whole Paris apartment scenario her heart had thumped with excitement.Imagining the two of them living in the city, roaming around and discovering their favorite little places down by the Seine for a glass of wine or two.So many quaint sections of the city to explore, beautiful boulevards, artsy Bistros, and the joy of discovery it together.

Then reality sunk in.She'd never been alone in her life.Home, school, then home again—living in Harmony by herself was the biggest thing she'd ever done, and yet she lived above the store, didn't pay rent, didn't have any responsibility or bills.Her job was to go downstairs and sell books.The only pressure she had was to meet her deadlines on time.

This planned trip was more than just seeing the world, it was her standing on her own two feet, making every decision, being in control of her destiny with no one to lean on, or hold her back emotionally.With Jason waiting for her in Paris, she'd be torn about staying away too long, wondering how he was doing, instead of focusing on her wants and needs, and replenishing her soul.

How could she tell him this when he only wanted to please her, build a life together, and take care of her.Poor Jason.No wonder he didn't understand her.He was offering her the world but she couldn't take it.Not until she'd discovered herself first.

She'd always been a dreamer, head in the clouds.Being a writer did not require much, only an imagination and a device to write it down.She could go where the wind blew, no chains to keep her in place.Choices, after years of having few options.

The sound of the tingle before the door opened startled Stephanie and she swiftly switched gears.After moving here she'd made a decision to embrace a positive attitude each and every day, not slip back down that rabbit hole.

David gave her the perfect opportunity."Hi," she said with a smile."You’re out early today.Lousy weather—did you have some cancellations?"

"No, my next appointment is in two hours, so I figured I'd drop in and keep you company."He beamed, flashing his pearly whites.

She groaned inwardly but held her smile in place.Positive thoughts flew out the window.Two hours of mundane conversation?It was voodoo time.

Using her make-believe telepathic skills, she put all her energy into mind-calling Henry from his office to rescue her from boredom.It entailed squeezing her eyes shut for ten seconds and concentrating on the person’s name.It had always worked on her siblings, until they figured it out and took their own revenge.

David, she hoped, was not that bright.

"What are you doing?"he asked, squinting like her, but not nearly as good.

You had to have a purpose and a belief in your power.Like her."Sometimes I do this when I'm thinking."

"Thinking what?"

"Just anything...oh!Here's Henry."Her voice rose with pleasure."Henry, can you chat with David?I have to let my cat out."

"You've got a cat?"Henry growled.

"Well, not a real one, but I've had it with me all my life."Her aunt had given her a patchwork bed cover with various cats when she was nine, knowing how much she loved them.Being allergic meant she could never have the real thing.

The two men looked at each other, then at her.

"What?"She put her hands on her hips with a frown.No further information was required.

"Go do what you have to do," Henry said."I can handle the crowd."

David glanced around with a confused expression.

It really was time to go."I can grab us some lunch once I'm done upstairs.David, can I get you a sandwich too?"

"Uh, no.I only came to invite you to dinner but...”

Henry gave David the eye."You aren't dallying with my employee, are you?She's a fine woman and should be treated as one."

Stephanie bit the inside of her cheek, then raced up the inside stairs behind the office to enjoy a good laugh.

Unlocking the door, she pushed through then came to an abrupt stop.A man in ragged clothes was sleeping in the small entrance way, likely the same person as yesterday.If he meant her any harm she figured she'd have known by now.Most likely the poor guy needed a few hours away from the rain.

Steph left him to it.Shutting her own door quietly behind her, she wondered if she should inform Henry or Jason—but what would happen to him if she did?Neither man would allow this homeless guy to stay.But it was her home for now, her choice, right?
