Page 5 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Two

After entering the bookstore, Jason froze.Was it a trick of light, or the woman he could never forget? He staggered a few feet forward, afraid of making another mistake.It had happened a few times over the years.Stepping off a train or on a busy sidewalk he would rush to catch up with a woman he believed was her.Then disappointed and feeling like a jerk he would apologize to the frightened young ladies.

Today was different.With each step forward, the more certain he became.His heart beat wildly as he gazed at the woman he'd once loved."Stephanie, is that really you?"Being a doctor, he knew miracles did exist, but he'd already had two in the past week.The Lord Above had to be playing tricks on him.

"No!"She shook her head furiously, taking a step back.

He laughed."It is.You're miracle number three.Unbelievable!What a week."

"What do you mean, miracle?"

"Few days back, I saved a man's hand that he'd darn near cut off with a saw.Later, I found your book in the hospital lounge—that was miracle number two," Jason told her.

"Doesn't sound miracle worthy to me."

"I thought it was.You'd been on my mind recently—even before finding the book.Guess I'm at the age where it's time to settle down."

Her face blanched at that."What does that have to do with me?"

"When I turned the book over, I saw your face, and I was so happy that you'd achieved your dream after all."She didn't say a word, so he continued on."A few years back I attempted to "friend" you on Facebook, but you never accepted the request."

"Hmm.Don't remember that."She shrugged."Probably it was the person you've mistaken me for."

"You'd just announced your engagement, so I guess you had a lot on your mind."He glanced down at her ring finger and only saw a silver knot. Definitely not a wedding band."So, you married now, got any kids?"

"No.Not that it's any of your business."

"Well, that's good news.We've both changed a lot in the past decade, but it's me.Jason Monroe in the flesh.It's been a long, long time."

"Hmm.I did know a Jason once.He went off to California and never looked back.Thought he was a nice guy, turned out to be a rat."

"I was not!"He grinned, the kind of smile that women took notice."Back to your book.I took it home and read the entire thing.It was great; kept me smiling most of the night.So, congratulations.I'm so happy for you."

"Why are you here?Are you looking for a special book?"

"Sheesh, Steph.Stop with the games, please?"He loosened the scarf around his neck, then ripped it off."As I was reading your romance, memories of you and me came flashing back.I knew I had to see you again, but I didn't know how to find you.Came in to speak with Henry, figured he might know how to find an author, and here you are.So yes, that's definitely miracle three."

"Are you sure you're alright?You seem to have me confused with someone else," she answered politely, not looking at him but fussing with the items on the counter.

"Not this time.Made that mistake before."He couldn't stop just grinning at her.Damn she was a sight for sore eyes.She looked the same and yet different.Big green eyes, a small, upturned nose.Silky dark hair that refused to be pinned down.

Wearing skinny black jeans and a bright red sweater with a Christmas tree in the center, she was as slim and pretty as ever—but the happy, carefree smile was missing.Her entire face used to light up with an infectious grin when she saw him.It wasn't there now.

"Do you go by Savannah Carlyle now?"

"No.Should I?"

"Well, can you at least remember being tutored the summer before your final year in high school?"

He watched her swallow hard and her beautiful eyes got misty.

He had her now.No more pretense.

"That's better.You can't deny we were in love."

"Girls at that age fall in and out of love, just like that."

"Not with us.We were the real thing.Want a trip down Memory Lane?"
