Page 6 of A Change Of Heart

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"No thanks.It would be a waste of time."

"I'm off today.No worries."

"You've got two minutes."She glanced at her cell, then started tapping the counter with her red finger nails.

"Okay.I'll make it quick then."He sighed with exasperation.What was wrong with her?He hadn't expected she'd jump into his arms and fall back in love at first sight, but instead she had him jumping hoops for her own amusement.

"Yeah, well I was twenty-one, and you were turning eighteen in a few months.You were the prettiest girl I'd ever seen, but that's really not the point, is it?"

She didn't say a word, so he rushed on."Since you pretend not to remember me, you might have forgotten this, but one of the professors I was working with got me into a BS/MP program in California.I earned my Bachelor of Science degree in three years instead of four.Also, medical school was confirmed.It saved me a year of tuition and less stress.And it also enabled me to come home that summer when I met you."

"Nice for you.Seems your brilliant mind opens a lot of doors."

"Wouldn't go that far but it allowed me to take a short break before starting five years of residency."

She yawned.

He was getting angry now."That's where you came in.I'd signed up for a summer tutoring job and was matched with you."

"Your lucky day, right?"She put a hand to her mouth."Wait!Didn't you work in a grocery store or something?"

This act of hers had gone far enough.He gritted his teeth."We were planning a life together, does that jog your memory?"

She shook her head and folded her arms under her breasts."Nope.You sure you tutored me?I remember you bringing groceries to the house."

Jason blew out a breath."You know darn well I didn't. We were madly in love.Ding, dong.Ring a bell?"

"No.Did someone just walk in?"She smirked.

"So this is how you want to play it?No, hey Jason, it's great to see you again.How's life treating you?That kind of bull...

A tiny furrow formed between her perfectly shaped eyebrows and she gave a quick shake of her head.Her eyes were wary, cheeks as bright as her red sweater.Her hands trembled, making him feel guilty and needy all at once.

"My pen name.I'm surprised you remembered it."

"I remember everything about that time we spent together.I'm sorry for what happened next."

She bit her bottom lip."Are you?I didn't see it that way."

"Then I apologize.Not sure what for, but if I hurt you at all it wasn't my intention."Their plan had been to get a small rental next to the hospital and she'd take writing classes at a local two-year college.

She leaned over the small counter that separated them.Her green eyes pierced his.He braced himself, remembering the fury she unleashed when either she was wronged or someone she loved."Hurt?After what my family went through?"

Steph blamed him for their separation.Truth was, it was no one's fault.

"You want to know how my life went afterward?While you were enjoying yourself in sunny California?"

"I'd hardly call it enjoying myself.I worked day and night; twenty-hour shifts when necessary.Especially that first year."

"So did I.Whatever Jessica needed, whenever she failed, I was there to pick her up."

"I know.You dedicated yourself to your sister’s recovery.It took a great deal of love and sacrifice to do what you did."His shoulders dropped an inch."I thought of you all the time, how brave you were."The longing, the regret, the pain of knowing what she'd had to face was as sharp as ever.

"You had your career, when I had nothing.My whole life changed and you weren't there."

"I wanted to must know that?"

"You came for my birthday, then I never saw you again."
