Page 50 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Thirteen

Jason's focus had not wavered once since sitting across the table from Laura.They were dining at a great restaurant with a lively piano bar, her favorite place.He listened to her stream of conversation while attempting to enjoy the meal, and her attention.She was a very upbeat, happy person.Why hadn’t he noticed that before?It was almost too happy, happy.She’d just finished some gossip on a staff member when she launched into why she'd chosen radiology.

"My parents couldn't afford a four-year college, and I wasn't scholarship material."Laura rolled her heavily made-up eyes."Not totally dumb but not brilliant either.I wanted to work in the medical field, but nursing was out as I hate needles, and changing bedpans.Six months of being a nurse's aide was enough for me."She twirled pasta on the end of her fork but didn’t eat it, waiting for his response.

He thought of Steph and her willingness to assist Jessica, no matter the unusual request."Nursing isn’t for everybody.Takes a special kind of person to care for ill patients.Doctors are in and out, but the registered nurses are there for an entire shift.Days, weeks,” Jessica came to mind, and Nicole too."Months.Nurses bond with them and their loved ones, treating the patient with dignity and compassion."

Laura tasted the creamy pasta and then sliced a piece of the tender veal, blinking quickly.She dropped the silverware to the plate with a clang, crossed her arms, and leaned back against the padded leather."I have compassion, Jason, but it would be heartbreaking work."

Oops."Look, I didn't mean that in a derogatory way.I was simply praising their merits, not taking a poke at you."

Laura hefted her chin."Oh.Okay."

Jason could tell she was still offended, so he asked, “Tell me again what got you into this field?"

Laura pushed her long hair back over her shoulder."One of my high school counselors went through a list of occupations that would suit me and being a radiologist technician only required an associate degree."


"I know, right?The training included classroom study as well as clinical work.Since I was good at math and science, she said it was right up my alley."Laura raised her glass of chardonnay."Best decision ever.I love my job."

“That’s important.”

Nose in the air, Laura gave him a direct look, leaning forward."I'm doing something that matters,doctor."

"I've only heard good things."Actually, nothing at all.Jason gestured to her plate with his fork."How's the veal?You haven't eaten much."He cut into the delicious prime rib with roasted potatoes and asparagus—everything done to perfection, but unfortunately getting cold thanks to Chatty Cathy.

"Amazing!Sorry, I just talk too much."Laura sliced another piece and waved it toward him."See?Pink and tender, the marsala sauce is to die for."

"No need to die, just eat," he murmured as he speared a grilled asparagus.

When would this meal be over?He was not inviting Laura to his place.Done with the asparagus in two bites, Jason set his fork down and glanced at the surroundings he'd missed on their way in.Laura had insisted on a booth.

It was typical Italian décor—more upscale than most.The piano bar was a nice touch and a real crowd pleaser.He looked at the other diners, then he felt a tightening in his chest.He had spotted a woman with her back turned facing the wall, reading a tablet.Same dark brown hair, a familiar profile.Had Stephanie followed him here, or was she waiting for her date?His stomach clenched.

"What's up?"Laura asked.

"Nothing.Thought I saw someone I used to know."His knuckles tightened as he shot another look in her direction.

Stephanie must have felt his eyes on her, as she turned and raised her wineglass to him.Flashing green eyes sliced him in two.She was the most bewitching and annoying female he'd ever met.Not nearly as pleasant and carefree as Laura.

"Who's that?She seems to know you."Laura dabbed at her mouth with her cloth napkin.

"The lady I told you about, who was in the accident with me.She works for my uncle and is an old friend.We were driving back after visiting my cousin when we hit that icy patch and crashed."

Laura shifted in her seat to study the competition.Steph."She looks all right to me."Her tone wasn't quite as warm as before."I can't imagine how you both got so lucky to walk away without a scratch."

He remembered the cut on Steph’s head and how she had been unresponsive for a few terrifying minutes."It was some kind of miracle.You should see the car."

"Glad you're better off than it."Laura gave a brief smile."So, Jason, how well do you know each other?"She dropped her gaze to her plate, sliced a piece of veal, then chewed it maybe thirty times.Anything to avoid looking at him, he figured.

"We dated one summer when she was a senior.I tutored her." He cut up his crisp potato and swallowed it quickly.He didn't want to talk about Stephanie.Or think about her.He was out enjoying a wonderful meal with a very nice woman.A woman who looked at him with shiny eyes, not skeptical or accusing ones.

"She's very attractive.What does she do?"

"She's a romance writer.Her family’s farm was in Maryland, not far from where I grew up.”Jason drank his wine.“Their family was hit hard when Steph’s sister was a victim at a high school shooting.Jessica lived, but so many died."

"Omg!That's awful.”
