Page 49 of A Change Of Heart

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He opened the menu and showed her the list of wines by the glass.She chose a California blend, a name she recognized.Jason probably would know all the wines.He'd lived there long enough to do a lot of sampling.She wondered what else he might have sampled.If he hadn't dated, what did he do?

The waiter left and Stephanie idly picked up the menu, which was even more extensive than the list of wine.Pastas, seafood, lamb, steaks, prime rib, and baby-back ribs.They'd covered all their bases, making sure everyone would be satisfied.

What were the other diners having?She'd go with the popular choice.

Stephanie glanced around the restaurant and then froze.Jason Monroe sat with an attractive woman in a booth four tables away.Sure didn't take him long to get back into the saddle, did it?She felt a ping of jealousy as she watched them together.Was that the girl whose lasagna he loved?What else did he love?

She was pretty, tall, and slim with highlighted hair past her shoulders.Her face was animated, and she smiled a lot.Obviously, her affection was genuine.Which made Stephanie happy that she'd sent Jason home last night.It might have wounded his ego, but definitely not his heart.

She buried her head in the menu and angled her chair so she'd face the mahogany wall with pictures of the Italian coastline rather than the diners or the friendly people at the piano bar.

Conner returned with her merlot.She grabbed it like a lifeline.

"Have you made a decision on dinner?"On seeing her gulp the first half down, he grinned."Maybe you'd like to have your wine first, then peruse the menu?"

"Yes, please.You could bring a second glass when this one's empty."

"Would you like help with the menu?"

"Menu, why?"Then it dawned on her that she still had it in her hand."What are your specials this evening?"

He rattled off a few dishes that sounded interesting—if extravagant.She decided to settle for her normal favorite, the shrimp scampi."Good choice," he said with a nod."Shall I bring you some ice water with lemon?"

"Yes, and don't forget the second glass of this."She held the glass in the air, wondering why the pour was so skimpy."Could you please add another inch?"

