Page 57 of A Change Of Heart

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She’d have to send Henry to the bakery again for a while.If and when she decided to have a man in her life, she had a good idea who it might be.

Had Jason slept with Laura last night?The image made her stomach roll.She had done this; he was not to blame.But if love-struck Laura brought him happiness, then she would step aside and wish them well.

Once the bookstore was closed, she swept and tidied up, then wished Henry a good night.She tossed Charlie a biscuit and he licked her fingers in appreciation.

Practically running up the stairs behind the office, she wondered if her homeless man had resurfaced.If she saw him again, she’d feed him.If not, she'd let it go and get on with the life she'd planned for herself.

Reaching the top step, she opened the door with her key, held her breath, then released it in an unhappy sigh.He hadn't returned.

She kicked off her shoes and locked her door at the same time, then went over to the window to see the holiday lights on Main Street.She had prime seats, night after night.

She closed the blind long enough to strip and put on her flannel pajamas.She'd bought a new pair for Christmas with puppy dogs wearing a Santa Claus hat.She took a bottle of wine from her mini-fridge and poured herself a glass, then cracked the blinds half way open as she did each night.

Stephanie fired up her computer, lit the lamp, and opened her Word doc, finding the page where she'd last left off.Before she settled down for a writing marathon, she warmed up a takeaway lunch in her microwave, sipped on her wine, and gazed at the festive Christmas lights and storefronts, the entire street lit up like a Hollywood set.
