Page 58 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Fifteen

Stephanie wasn't sure how long she'd been working, but she had a solid ten pages to show for it.Her back ached, not from the accident but because of her position, hunched over her laptop.She got up and did a few stretches, then yawned.A scuffling noise sounded outside her door, so she opened it a crack and peeked out.

The man was back.Looked exhausted, his eyes shadowed by grief and pain.How long had it been since he’d slept in a bed, had decent food to eat, or met a stranger who was kind to him?

"Hey.Let me get you a sandwich.First I'll get your blanket and pillow so you can make yourself comfortable."She turned to close the door, then looked back."What’s your name?I'm Stephanie Collins.I work at the bookshop during the day and write novels at night."

He stared at her, undecided, then mumbled, "Carl."

"Carl.Nice to meet you.One sec and I'll have your bedding."

Quickly she picked up the pillow and blanket that was on a chair next to her bed.She opened the door and tossed him his pillow and blanket that he caught with one hand."What kind of sandwich would you like?I have tuna, peanut butter and jelly, or more ham and cheese."

"Whatever is easier.Don't want to be a burden to ya."Carl had on an old wool coat that must have come from a thrift shop.It was baggy, with a ripped pocket.

"You're not."She went inside to make a tuna salad sandwich, then packed an apple and one of her favorite cookies, raisin oatmeal from Billy's bakery.She placed it in a plastic bag, with a bottle of water.

"Here you are.I'm off to bed now.”Steph waited in the doorway.“If you're here in the morning I'll give you a warm breakfast too."

Carl didn't answer.He was already pulling out the food and eating like a man starved.She turned toward the door and heard him mumble, "Thank you.So kind."

His compliment warmed her.After saying goodnight, she locked the door behind her and fell into bed.She curled up under the comforter and shortly after her head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep.

The following morning when she looked out, Carl was gone.

Stephanie went through her usual routine and made a scrambled egg breakfast for herself.After finishing her last bite, she put on lipstick to match her crimson top.She wore a long black skirt, Christmas tree earrings, and a pair of comfortable black boots.

She locked the door behind her and used the same key for the one leading to the shop.Another day in the salt mine, she chuckled to herself as she bounced down the stairs.

"Hey, Henry!You're here early."

"No.You're just late."It was unusual for Henry to be in the shop before her, especially on a Thursday.That was the morning he'd go to the bank with his deposits and attend to his other business affairs.

She glanced down at her iPhone."It's five minutes till.Seems like I'm early.Maybe I'll just sit for a few minutes and contemplate my duties as an employee."

"You will do no such thing.You get the coffee ready, like you always do.Don't forget—I’ll be timing you."

"Right.So, what kind of coffee would you like??"

"Black."Henry scowled at Charlie, who was pawing an ornament."Surprised he hasn't ripped that tree in two."

"That's because Charlie can't see it."She took the dog’s collar and walked him away."So, all coffee is black, you want flavored, or straight and strong?"

"Not that danged Starbucks, it'll melt your teeth off.If I had any," he answered.

"Dunkin' Donuts?But they have flavors too."

"I don't care.Just give me one I'll like.You should know by now."

"Yes, sir, I mean, boss.Coming right up."

She went to the machine, checked the coffee supply, and decidednotto surprise him.She chose "original" knowing it would make his day.

"Here you go, black and boring."

He took a sip."Black and perfect.Now go ahead and make yourself one of those "girly" drinks."

She poured from the same pot but added hazelnut cream."Mmm-good.Can you smell the deliciousness of hazelnut?”

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