Page 63 of A Change Of Heart

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"Who the heck is Carl?"He put his plate down and drank his wine.

"The guy who ran away...the homeless person.Don’t get mad!He camps outside my door on the landing. I gave him a blanket and pillow.And a sandwich so he wouldn't starve."

Jason shook his head in disbelief."I know you have a big heart, but you shouldn't have fed him.You didn't let him in here, did you?He might be dangerous."

After a bite of pizza, Steph dropped her piece to the plate."No.Thought about it, but he wouldn't be comfortable with that.He's very appreciative for what I do."She gave him a back-down look."Don't lecture me on this."

Jason realized he had to backtrack for now or risk the progress they’d made."Fine.If you end up in pieces in a small black bag, don't blame me."He raised his wine glass and tipped it at her.

Stephanie raised her chin."Why small?"

"Because you're a half-pint."

"So, you think I'm a half-pint person who's going to end up chopped in pieces and ditched as trash?"She rolled the wine in her glass.

"Not sure about the trash.”Jason shrugged.“He might put you in a freezer and dine on you.Serial killers have varied means of dispatch for their victims."

She sputtered and got out of her chair.Putting her hands on his shoulder, she bent to stare into his eyes."You are so mean.Carl is a very nice man and if you stick around for a while, you might get a chance to meet him."

"I can hardly wait."Carl, huh?

"He's very cool once you get to know him."She giggled."You may end up best buds."

He took her chin in his hand."If I stay around, it will be for more of this."He hovered his mouth over hers."What's your answer to that?"

She closed the distance and kissed him sweetly, then broke away and returned to her chair."My answer is to eat up.Pizza's better warm than cold."

"Don't ever say that to a bachelor.We live on this stuff."

"Not you."She took a fresh slice and waved it under his nose."You probably eat super healthy.Salmon and rice, grilled chicken, salads, a small steak occasionally with a baked potato.Not fast food."

"I lived on pizza through residency, and I don't have time or the energy to cook after a full day at the hospital.I usually eat at the staff cafeteria."

"Ugh!Hospital food day and night."

"I take a night or two every week to grab something before I go home."

"With one of the hospital staff, like a radiologist, I imagine."

"On rare occasions,” he admitted, going with the flow of their conversation.“But more often it's just takeaway."

"Are you done eating?"she asked, dumping her paper plate in the bin.

"Yes.I've had enough.Give the rest to your friend, Carl.I'm sure he'd enjoy


"Great idea.I will."She put her hands on her hips as she turned to look at him."Okay, let’s get the table tidied up, and then the moment we've been dying for will reveal the long lost secrets."

While she took care of the pizza leftovers, Jason unwrapped the folder from the outer envelope he'd cleaned earlier.He placed it in the middle of the bed, and they sat on either side.

Stephanie tapped her finger on the cardboard file."I hope this is worth the build-up."

"I'm sure she wouldn't have sent us here if it wasn't."Jason hoped it would be powerful enough to reach his uncle.

"Here we go."She slowly turned the page.The first image was one of his aunt Mary, Henry's beloved wife, Nicole’s mother.

"Let's see."He put his hand on the bed and leaned forward to get a better look."Aunt Mary was probably middle-aged here.Maybe in her fifties?"
