Page 67 of A Change Of Heart

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Jason drove home thinking about their hot kiss and wanting more.He hoped she did too.He understood her need to be free, to travel and experience a little of the world before settling down, but he didn't want her to go alone.

A few months back he'd sent his resume to Doctors Without Bounders but had pulled it when Nicole got deathly sick.Then along came sweet Stephanie and he didn't want to go anywhere she wasn't.

He turned on his favorite jazz station and let the music soothe him all the way home.He parked in the underground lot, took the elevator to his floor, and unlocked his door.He switched on a few lights; noticing for the first time that the track lighting was stark, not soothing—more like a hospital waiting room.

Seven hours later the alarm woke him at five a.m.He did his workout as he did everyday.He never wavered from his regimented routine; it helped him get through the day.Followed by a shower, then dressed for work.

Today it was a white button-down shirt, khakis, with tan sketchers on his feet.Most doctors wore suits to visit their round of patients, but it was a small hospital and as a surgeon he wasn't required to do so.Scrubs and a lab coat, a cap, mask, gloves, and protective coverings for his shoes were made available before he stepped into the OR.

Laura, the radiologist, must have been waiting for him.As soon as he got out of his car, she hitched her tote bag over her shoulder and tucked her hand under his arm."Hey!I was hoping to see you this morning.I wanted to invite you out for some great Thai food tonight."When he didn't respond, she jiggled his arm and grinned."Are you awake yet, Doctor Monroe?You look like you're sleepwalking."

He did his best to extricate his arm.Laura clung like glue."I'm not, I assure you.Exercised for an hour before I came here."

"So, what about dinner?It's a new restaurant only two blocks away from my apartment."She leaned in."Getting lots of great reviews."

"I wish I could, but not tonight.I have to visit Nicole again.We found something in her old apartment that she wanted.It's important—might even save her life."

As if she'd heard nothing of interest, Laura scrunched her forehead, giving him a sharp look."And who is "we"?”

"Stephanie.You remember that she lives above the bookstore?That used to be Nicole's apartment.The one who needs a kidney.She's Henry’s—my uncle who owns the shop—only daughter, but they aren't on speaking terms."

"Why not?Seems strange since she's dying and all."

Her callous remark made his blood run cold."You're in the medical field.I would expect you to show more compassion."At last, he was able to disengage his arm."This is a private matter and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Like, who would I tell?What bug crawled up..."

"Goodbye, Laura.You enjoy your new restaurant with the next guy you meet."

"Are you brushing me off?"Her voice trembled just a little, and her eyes glinted with unshed tears.

He hardened his heart."Seems like it.Sorry, but I'm sure you can find someone who's more fun."

She tossed her head back and made a snorting sound."That should be easy."

She flounced off and Jason gave a huge sigh of relief and went into work.

Fridays tended to be busier than most.A prelude to the weekend.His morning consisted of a delicate two-hour surgery; a motorcyclist who'd lost control of his bike on a snowy country road.Kid was twenty, alcohol impaired, and swerved quickly to miss a collision with a speeding car.Avoiding the crash, he plowed into a tree and had to be air-lifted in.

A story not so different from his and Stephanie's, only they'd been lucky.Todd Barren had not.He'd suffered a head injury and a shattered thigh but was stabilized for now.

Jason took a short break to grab a coffee from the lunchroom and make his call to Heu Ellis.They didn't know each other well but had shared joint concern for Nicole.

"Hey, man.It's Jason.I'm calling to give you some interesting information.It could be just the miracle we're hoping for."

`"Stop.Are we talking another kidney donor?"

"Possibly.”If Jason and Steph could convince Henry, or the journal did its magic.“Look, this is something that might make her dad unbend.We don't even know at this point if he's a match because he's never been tested."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying Nicole asked Stephanie to check under the floorboards of the bed in her old apartment to see if her journal was there."

"I have no idea what you're talking about.Can you get to the point?"Heulyn's voice held a sharp edge.

"Of course.Last night Steph and I searched under the bed.We were pretty sure the journal contained Nicole's artwork...and it did."

"Go on."
