Page 68 of A Change Of Heart

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"Steph did the dirty work, crawling under the bed and digging her hand into this old musty hole under the tiles.It took several attempts but she managed to get it out."

"Come on, Jason, you're killing me."

He gave a short laugh."It's big—how big I don't know."


"A portfolio filled with wonderful sketches that Nicole had done in her youth.Family sketches, single ones of her mom and dad.They are great, Heu.They made Steph and I tear up, so hopefully even Henry's crusty old heart might melt.We can hope, anyway."

"We'll take any glimmer of hope that we can get.But I can't promise you that Nicole will allow us to take it to her dad.She doesn't want to ask; she wants him to make the offer himself."

"I get it, but she asked for the journal which could mean she’s open to change.We'd like to meet up with you both tonight around seven—or just you if you prefer.Name the place and we’ll bring the journal."

"Thank you.There’s a Starbucks on the corner near the hospital.How about we meet there?"

"Got it and will do.We have an idea that's in the planning stages.We could use your help."

"Give it to me so I can work on ideas all day."

Jason explained about their plan to keep a copy of the pictures and to make sure Henry saw them.He glanced at his watch.He had ten minutes to get back into the OR.

"I like it so far.Thanks, Jason.I'll see you tonight, buddy."

Jason hustled to his locker, changed into his scrubs, then entered the operating room.The ten-hour shift went quickly, enabling him to leave the hospital at five.A quick shower, he dressed in his morning clothes, grabbed a handful of nuts and poured them in his mouth.Hadn't eaten much today and probably would be snacking at Starbucks.

The drive to Harmony only took twenty minutes, so he arrived at Stephanie's place ten minutes early.A flower stand was two blocks from the bookstore, so he pulled up front, hopped out, and bought a large bouquet of mixed carnations, roses, and some other stuff he didn't know but looked nice.He parked in the back, grabbed the flowers, and hoped she had a vase to put them in.

Dang it!He should have gotten one of those too.

He knocked on her door and as she opened it, he pushed the bundle of flowers into her hands."This is for the crap you had to do last night.I shouldn't have made you do the dirty work."

"You didn't make me do anything; I chose to.And thank you, I love flowers."

He entered and watched the fit of her jeans as she bent to take a large watering can from under the sink, filled it halfway from the faucet, adding the little package thing it came with.She artfully arranged the bouquet into the gray can and turned around to smile at him.

The old bucket burst with color.

"That's pretty," he told her."And so are you."

She blushed, making him wonder how long it had been since anyone had paid her a compliment.Note to self.Do it every day until she starts to believe it.

He cleared his throat."So, I talked with Heulyn and he's on board.Said he'd meet us at seven, possibly with Nicole, and we can fine-tune our ideas."

"I’d think Nicole would want to be there.How could she not?Unless she stays home because of her son."

"I agree,” Jason said.“I bet Nicole will fight tooth and nail to do whatever it takes to watch Rhys grow up.Don’t you?"

"Yes, and whether she admits it or not, that was her reason for asking me to find her journal.She put on her coat and gloves and picked up her tote bag with the folder sticking out."I'm ready."

She followed him out and after the click of the lock he pulled her close and just hugged her tight for a sec.Then he tilted her head and dropped a light kiss on her waiting lips.She lingered for more, and he deepened the kiss.

"I've been waiting for that all day," she said brightly, taking his hand as he led her down the stairs.

When they reached the pavement, he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand."Are you reconsidering your stance that we could never be more than friends?"

Her eyes sparkled."It's under review, but I'm leaning that way."

Jason opened her car door and strode to the other side.When he got the car running, he shot her a glance."Maybe there still can be a happy ending for all of us."

"Let’s not leap so far ahead of ourselves,” Steph said.“We can work on this one day at a time."

"I'll take that."Driving down Main Street, Jason kept his eyes out for Carl, but thankfully the man didn't appear.He knew he should tell her soon before Steph saw him again.His tentative relationship with the love of his life was still in the balance, and he didn't want to tip the scale against him.Not this time.

Steph asked about his day, and he explained the operations he'd performed, and how he hoped for a positive outcome.

Putting her hand over his, Steph surprised him by saying, "Your job is something to be proud of, giving people a chance to live a full life.I think it's highly noble, Jason.The world needs people like you."She gave him a warm smile."It's a bit of a challenge for me to find fault with you."

Jason chuckled."Why bother to try?"

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