Page 71 of A Change Of Heart

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"Now that's a mighty fine plan."He chuckled."Shoulda thought about that six months ago."

"We have to be realistic and not get our hopes too high, although there is a good possibility that the journal might do the trick."Stephanie cut off a small slice of the cake.Want some, Hue?"

"No.You enjoy—I had dinner with my wife."

"Let's focus here," Jason said between bites."Your idea of showing up with Rhys is a darn good idea.But how to get the photos in his hands?"

Stephanie sorted through her tote and handed the journal to Heu."Have a look."

He shuffled through page after page, then he tossed his head back and closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

A prayer, perhaps?

"Nicole needs to see this and decide what she wants to do.It's her show."Heu looked at Jason with a frown."You know how stubborn about her dad she can be.What's your take on this?"

"If it were my kidney, and my jackass dad, I'd want him to know."

"I agree,” Stephanie said quietly.

“That’s what I thought."Heu nodded."So, do we leave it to her—or approach with a well-thought-out plan?"

Stephanie shot an amused glance at Jason."I love plans.They’re some of my favorite things."

"Jason, I talked with a few tech savvy guys from work how to copy print sketches onto someone else computer.They said it would be easier to install the photos on one of our computers, copy them onto a USB flash drive, and then insert the drive into Henry’s computer USB port."

Heu drank from his water bottle."Think you could handle it, Stephanie?"

"Why do I get all the fun?"she said, looking from one male face to the other.

Stephanie had been shredding a napkin on the table, then pushed it aside."I should have time enough to do this when he walks his dog and picks up lunch."

Heu ran his two fingers up and down the water bottle."I hate to ask, but if we sleep on it we might find an easier alternative."

Stephanie sat back against the stiff bench."Let's hope we don't have many people browsing books and needing my services."

Jason put a hand over hers."Are you comfortable with this?"

"Not sure.I'm nervous, but excited too."

Heulyn leaned forward. "This isn't bulletproof, by any means.Lots could go wrong."

"It's worth a try," Stephanie said quietly.

"After Nicole sees the drawings, I'll let her arrange them in the best order so we can have a video to keep, for us at home.”Heu gazed at Jason, who had a concerned expression. "Before I go home, I'll stop and have copies made."

"Is there a chance Nicole might not approve of this?"Jason asked.

"She asked for it, so who knows?Nicole is understandably emotional these days and I never know how she'll react.Heu rubbed his square jaw.“We’re asking her to reach out to her dad, something she’s been against during her entire sickness."

"Look, guys,” Steph said.“Why don't we make this very simple?Once we have the prints, I can place them on his desk while he's out.He'll see them right away and probably fire me on the spot.But maybe not."

Jason leaned back in the booth."You're right.He'll either swipe them to the floor or stack them on his desk.Either way he'll see them."He tucked her hand in his."If he fires you, I'll take care of you."He kissed her cheek."What do you think, Heulyn?This is up to you and Nicole."

"I'm quite sure Nicole will agree to this.At least we know he'll have to see them."A slow smile slid over his face."Any better ideas?"

Jason looked at Steph."If Henry still won't cooperate, then I’ll leave pamphlets around the hospital, in the lounges as well as the offices.Just a brief story about Nicole and a few of her sketches.We might actually get some volunteers willing to donate a kidney if they're a match.I'll make sure the staff knows I'm behind this."

"That's a great idea."Steph squeezed his arm."We could possibly get some news coverage.I can write something."

Heulyn's eyes lit up."Don't mind handing over a nice bonus check either."

"Okay," Jason stood up."First thing we need is for you to make copies of these sketches and hand the originals over to Nicole.If these sketches don't melt that man's heart, nothing will."

"All in agreement?"Heu asked, holding his hand palm down.

Jason and Stephanie placed their hands over his and nodded confirmation.“Aye,” Steph said.
