Page 80 of A Change Of Heart

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She jotted down his address and he told her to text when she was five minutes out, avoiding the need for a parking spot.

"You know, I've never been invited to your place," she answered."You don't have a bunch of cadavers hanging in your closet, I hope."

He laughed."You have a wild imagination.Guess that's what makes you such a terrific writer."

"What?And cadavers didn't make you a good surgeon?"

"I'm not even going to dignify that with a response."

"No words, huh?Well, I can't wait to see you, and Henry, of course."

For the first time that day, Jason grinned."I'll let Heu know that we're bringing Charlie.If anything should please the old man, that sweet mutt will do the trick."

“I hope so.”

"Oh, we had some good news,” Jason said.“The head nurse here was keeping tabs on Henry's results from the Memorial where he was taken.She just informed me that he's stable and resting.Things are looking up, right?"

"Wonderful!”Stephanie blew out a breath.“I'll be there in an hour.Try and catch a nap if you can."

"Yes, ma’am.I might do that."

"You've got a tough job, Jason.It must wear on you."

"This is the career I chose, and I feel gratitude each day that I can heal others and send them home."

"You're a special man and that's one of the reasons I you so much."

He perked up at her near slippage of the L word."What are the others?"

"The list is growing day by day,” she told him.“See you soon."

Jason grabbed a health bar and reclined on the sofa.In a few hungry bites, the tasty chocolate-coated bar was gone.He listened to the news and rested his body and his mind.He actually fell asleep as the next thing he knew his phone dinged.Steph was five minutes out.

While he waited in the lobby, he spoke to Heulyn, saying they were leaving in a few minutes, and bringing Charlie.

"He'll love that.Unless they don't let pets in?"

"He's a service dog for the night."Jason chuckled."Not far from the truth as it will brighten Henry's mood for sure.Maybe after seeing the photos...”

"Hasn't mentioned them yet," Heu admitted.

"So, what's the latest?I'm sure they'll want to keep him."

"Yes.Probably will be released tomorrow.The battery of tests showed that Henry had a mini stroke.You should hear him, yelling at the doctors for insisting he stay overnight for observation.After all the blood work was done, I called Nicole's nephrologists and updated him.After an hour he called back and told me that her father is a match."

"That's good, but we can't get too excited.Since Henry just had a medical emergency, they’ll monitor his condition before considering a serious surgery.The transplant might have to be put off, perhaps for a week or two."

"I've been having trouble getting information," Heulyn told him."Since I'm not a family member they won't tell me anything."

"Even though you're his son-in-law?"

"He doesn't have Nicole listed as his next of kin.He has your dad and you."
