Page 81 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Stephanie jumped into action after her call from Jason.She slid into her favorite black jeans and long sleeved blue sweater.Black jacket and boots on, she grabbed her keys and purse, and put Charlie on his leash.

She tucked the doggie bed under her arm for the short walk to the underground parking.Charlie kept sniffing around and pulling on the leash making a nuisance of himself.The Prius purred the moment she turned the key and was soon toasty warm.

Charlie was delegated to the backseat with his bed.The next time she glanced in the rearview mirror, the lab was on his hind end, full of curiosity at this new environment.He whined and sniffed, then licked her shoulder.

"It's all right, Charlie.We're going to pick up Jason, then go see your buddy, Henry."

Hearing Henry's name the old lab began to howl, and Steph felt sorry for the faithful dog.He didn't know what was going on, he just knew his friend and caregiver was not around.

The highway wasn't busy—in less than half an hour she was on the street where Jason lived..Luckily, she had the address as the row of apartments buildings looked the same.Uniformly gray building material, around eight floors high.The entrances had green awnings, and flower baskets on either side of the double doors were filled with poinsettias.

Jason waved to her as he bounded outside, opened the passenger door, and slid in.

"Thanks for picking me up."

"I'd pick you up anytime."She leaned across the console and gave him a kiss."Better?"she asked.

"Eighty percent better.We'll work on the other twenty at dinner."

"I'd like that, although I'm not sure you're up to a romantic night out."

"We could light some candles at home and order in?"he suggested.

"That's a thought."Steph waited for Jason to buckle up, then allowed map quest to lead them to Albany Memorial.

Jason glanced back at Charlie and scratched the dog’s ears."How're you enjoying the ride so far?"

"He's been so good.Seemed excited to see the great outdoors, the holiday lights, even the woods we passed.Didn't you, Charlie?"

The dog flopped down and buried his head in his paws.

"Aw, he's all out of sorts, not knowing where his best buddy is."

Stephanie kept her eyes on the road.The highways had all been plowed, but in some places the drifts were so high she couldn't see what was up ahead.

"Did you speak to Heulyn?"she asked.

"Yes.It was a mini stroke and he'll be released tomorrow unless there are further complications.”

"Oh, no!That doesn't give us enough time."

"My thought too.But it gives us tonight and tomorrow morning to make sure Henry has seen the photos, and it will be his decision after that."

"It better be the right one," Steph said."Or I'll smack him so hard he'll be back in the ER."

Jason laughed and she joined in.It was the relief they both needed.

For the last ten minutes of the drive they were both silent, lost in their own thoughts.When they reached the hospital the parking lot was virtually empty.

Jason text Heu letting him know that they'd arrived.During that time, Stephanie got Charlie out of the car and on a leash.When the car was locked, Jason took her free hand, holding her close.It may have been due to the icy lot, or did he miss her as much as she missed him?

Charlie was not attuned to their romantic feelings as he strained the leash to make yellow snow and mark the property.

Steph and Jason bypassed the main entrance, heading directly to the row of elevators, and rode up to the sixth floor with no interruptions.Good thing as Charlie had gotten it into his head that he didn't need to be well behaved anymore.

They stopped.The elevator door opened and Heu wearing a white hospital jacket, stood there waiting.
