Page 83 of A Change Of Heart

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“I can’t believe it,” Steph said.Charlie sniffed the hospital door.Did he know that Henry was on the other side?

"I called Nicole right after speaking with you.She's sitting home waiting for further news."Heu glanced at Jason."Told her it would take several days as there were a lot of tests to be done, but that now she has a fighting chance."

"That's good," Jason replied."Now we need to make sure Henry doesn't change his mind."

"Easier said than done."Heu adjusted the jacket that was a size too small.

"Heu bud, I'm going to give you a little advice,” Jason said.“You need to take care of yourself.Go home.Be with your wife."

"I will, just want to see how this plays out,” Heulyn said.“Another hour or two, tops."

"Well, if you're not leaving, then Stephanie and I should probably split with Charlie because this drama is not going to end tonight."Jason patted Heu on the back."Let's grab a coffee before we leave."

Steph noted the dark circles under Hue's eyes as he said, "I could use one.Thanks."

The trio and the cranky dog headed back down the corridor and took the elevator to a coffee and snack shop on the main floor.They all had an opinion on what happened today, and each of them knew that Nicole was so close to getting her father's kidney, and making amends with Henry.Like Jason and Steph, they had to let go of the past and accept what they still had.

By the time they tossed their cups in the trash bin, Stephanie could feel the shift in the air.Lighter, happier, and hopeful.

Charlie was getting impatient and wanted some attention too.He barked and wagged his tail.Heu offered to take Charlie home with him, saying that it would please his son, Rhys.

Stephanie and Jason didn't put up much of a fight.Rhys had snuggled and fallen in love with Charlie.That dog would give them a common ground until the family was reunited and comfortable with each other.

It took them very little time to locate her car and get it running.Their senses were heightened with all this excitement and Jason felt it too.He pulled her into his arms and nuzzled the curve of her face.Her heart thudded as his warm lips captured hers.It was perhaps the greatest kiss she'd ever known.Tender, sweet, filled with promise and hidden passion.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so happy," Jason told her, gazing at her profile with a slight smile.

"It's been a long, long time.Like maybe a dozen years ago."She took her eyes off the road for a second."Being with you again is bringing out the best and worst in me."

"I like the best part, the worst we'll have to work on."He shifted a little so he could watch her better."You haven't seen my place yet.We'll order in, snuggle a little, and the rest will be up to you.You okay with that?"

"Yes, I believe I am."After a few seconds of silence, she grinned."I remember your room as a med student.Can't be worse than that," she teased.

"Whoa, wait a minute.I was barely there.Either studying in the college library, or on campus, or hanging with you."

"I loved it back then.Guess we can refer to it as the good ole days."

"We could, but I'd rather make new memories together."

Her pulse raced at the words."That sounds nice."

"It will be.I promise."

Neither of them said much after that.Steph didn’t want to break the mood, so they listened to music, glanced at each other now and then, and let the promise of what was to come linger in their minds.

Jason directed her to his underground parking area, and she was never so eager to leave the warmth of her car.He took the fob from her, locked the door, and pocketed it, then pulled her close.There was no place she'd rather be, except in his room, thinking about their future.

They held hands going up the elevator to his floor.Steph couldn’t speak as anticipation clogged her throat.When the door slid open, he leaned against it and pulled her to him.His hands tangled in her hair, and he kissed her breathless as the door pummeled his back.

Laughing, she pulled him out and followed him to his door."You're slightly crazy, you know that?"

He smiled, turned his key, and pushed the door wide.Standing in the doorway, she had to walk past him to get inside."I'm crazy about you,” he said huskily.

Steph would have answered but he grabbed her hand and let the door shut behind them.His legs danced her backwards until they reached the sofa and fell down.He continued to kiss her until she gasped for breath."Jason?What are we doing here?"

"Continuing where we left off eleven years ago.You were only eighteen when we were planning a life together."

"It doesn't seem that long, does it?It's like we were never really apart, just putting in time for us to meet again."She ran a finger down his face, noting how the years had changed him, as they had with her.His new maturity and confidence was almost as sexy as his sensual mouth and kind blue eyes.
