Page 82 of A Change Of Heart

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"What exactly is going on?"Jason asked, huffing a little as he attempted to get Charlie to move.Finally, he picked up the dog, cradling him like a baby.

"You know how ornery he gets.He started yelling at everyone to release him and let him go home.A nurse showed up and gave him something to settle him down."

"Okay.What then?"Jason had enough of the dog and handed him over to Steph who hugged and made a big fuss over him.

Outside Henry’s door they stopped to recover their breaths.Charlie yipped once or twice.Steph listened with her ear to the door but heard no commotion inside.“All quiet.”

Jason raised a brow.

She put Charlie on the floor and fed him some treats."Looks like he's all out of fight," she said."Let's hope he will behave."She glanced at the two men with a small smile and patted Charlie’s head."Both of them."

"So, did the shot get Henry settled down?"Jason asked.

"For a little while.He was already in his hospital bed and covered in blankets, so I took a chair and sat next to him,” Heu fiddled with the button on his white jacket.“He'd nodded off for about twenty minutes or so, and when he opened his eyes, he saw me."

"How did he react?"Jason asked.

"Scared.His face drained of color and he made an X with his hands.I'm sure he recognized me from being at the bookshop.Probably thought I was the angel of death.".

Stephanie put a hand to her mouth."He has no idea what's been happening around him.Not that I'm on his side, but still...”

"He tried to brush me away," Heu spoke quietly, "but when I didn't move, he stopped trying.Wanted to know who I was, and if it was me who put those pictures in his office."

"So he was lucid?"Jason asked, exchanging a worried look with Stephanie.

"He was.So I was honest with him.Told him yes, that I was his son-in-law and Rhys was his grandchild.He teared up at that."

"How did he react?"Jason asked.

"He was very emotional, and reached for a tissue.I told him that Nicole was adamant about getting back the journal she'd left under her bed.Then Henry began to sob, and I apologized for the shock, and told him the truth.All we wanted was to keep Nicole alive so she could watch her son grow up."

Heulyn crossed his arms to his chest, not looking too proud of his actions, though they all agreed it had been necessary."Henry seemed to be piecing everything together.He asked again if that cute little gaffer was his grandson."

"I nodded yes, and his face crumbled and his shoulders shook with grief."

Tears filled Stephanie's eyes, and she bent down to cuddle Charlie for a moment.Needing to compose herself.

"I stayed in the room, not saying a word, just letting the news settle and for him to respond in his own time.After a while Henry looked up and asked if I had any of the photos."

Jason placed a hand on Heu's back as if to offer comfort."That was the break we needed.You did a good job."

"Thanks.I didn't waste time.Dove into my backpack, took them the actual sketches and laid them one by one on his bed.He reached for them and gazed at one, then another until he'd seen them all.After several minutes of silence, he gathered them all and held them to his chest."

"Oh, Heulyn.Thank God," Stephanie said, touching his hand.

"How did you get into his room?"Jason asked."On the phone you said they wouldn't give you any information, that you weren't considered kin?Hospitals can be pretty strict with their rules."

"I wasn't going home to tell Nicole that she wasn't getting his kidney.Damned if I'd do that."His face was grim.

"I followed a group of nurses as they waited for the security door to open and followed behind them.One noticed me but said nothing.I snooped around for a while and saw a linen closet.Popped in, found a white jacket, and that was my key to access the building."Heu ran a hand through his thick brown hair and grinned."A nice nurse alone at the station provided me with his room number."

Jason laughed."You are something.So, tell us the rest."

"He was pretty mellow after that sedative and started asking questions.They just kept coming.He asked if I could find someone to let them know he wanted to be tested, not knowing that his blood work was enough."

"And when you stepped out of his room, he went berserk?"Stephanie widened her eyes in disbelief.

Heulyn nodded."That's about it."
