Page 88 of A Change Of Heart

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It was bedlam in the corridor surrounding his room.Medical staff were hanging about, everyone asking questions at once.Two officers stood outside the door.One younger female, Officer Carter, on her nameplate, and an older male who seemed in charge.

Heulyn had been watching for them and hurried over, swinging an arm around each of their shoulders."Glad you made it.Gabrielle came out a few minutes ago and told the people that Henry refuses to leave until "the damn doctors take out my kidney and give it to Nicole."She definitely sounded like she was defending Henry’s choice."

Stephanie squeezed Heu's arm almost jumping with excitement.

Jason turned to face his new friend."I know you want to stay but you should call Nicole’s doctor."

"I've got his number on speed-dial."He moved slightly apart from the chaos to connect with the nephrologists department.Gave his name and said it was an emergency to speak with Doctor Thornton.

Heulan returned within minutes."The receptionist said she'd inform him immediately and explain its urgency.Gotta wait, I guess."He began to pace the corridor, his hands on his head, phone in his back pocket.

Stephanie, who wrote her stories with deep emotion, could totally imagine his pain, the confusion, the hope and despair all colliding inside of him.Would they get their happy ending?

Jason dropped a kiss on her forehead then stepped aside."I'm on his contact list, and if that doesn't work quickly, I'll use the Doctor card."

As he turned to leave, she put a hand on his arm."Is there anything I can do?Go get Nicole?"

"No, that's the last thing.Nicole needs to be isolated right now.In a weakened state even a sneeze could set her back, or be lethal."He touched her cheek."Sit tight.We don't want to give her any false hope or raise her blood pressure.Now, to talk sense into my uncle."

“Good luck.”Steph watched him approach the female officer and showed her his ID.She listened attentively as he gave his name, and explained he was Henry’s next of kin.Stephanie wished she was close enough to hear the conversation, but he glanced over and gave her a nod.

Officer Carter quickly conferred with the older sergeant, but Stephanie saw his frown as he shook his head.It looked as if they were arguing until nurse Gabrielle interfered.Jason took advantage of the distraction and pushed through the door.


Jason was stuck behindtwo heavy chairs, a trash can, a meal cart, and a bunch of blankets and pillows.Henry shouted, "Go away."

"Uncle Henry.Stop.It's me.I've come to help."

Shaking and obviously terrified, Henry was kneeling on the bed with two pillows for weapons.He gaped at his nephew."Jason."

"Yes.To the rescue."Jason battled his way through the makeshift obstacle course to reach Henry's side."It's all right.Nobody's going to hurt you."

"The police...they’re here to kill me."

"The police only want you to give up this charade and come on out.You've scared a lot of people."Gently, Jason guided his uncle back to bed, fluffed his pillows then covered him from the neck down.

“Are you sure I won’t go to jail?”

"I’m sure.”Jason would intervene with the temporary insanity card if necessary.“Now.What happened?"

"I...I made a mistake.I realize that now."Tears slid down Henry’s shrunken cheeks."I shoulda listened to you before when I had the chance.About Nicole?"

"You haven't done anything that can't be undone.Want to tell me about it?"

"Yeah.Sure."Henry glanced at him with watery eyes, looking more frail than usual and unsure of himself."When the ambulance came, I heard the medics talking, they said I had a stroke."

"Yes, that's true.It was a mild one fortunately, a transient ischemic attack, known as TIA.The medics wouldn't have known that as the symptoms are the same as a more serious stroke, so they treat it the same way."

"Jason, I couldn't see clearly out of my left eye.Thought I might be going blind."

"That would have been very scary.When you suffer a stroke all this is normal.The feeling of being tired, unfocused, having trouble with your speech or vision, and might even pass out, as you did.This is all very common" His uncle’s face wasn’t drooping, another common symptom that could frighten the patient.

"Why did this happen?"Henry asked, still looking confused."I feel fine now."

"A part of your brain was not getting its regular blood flow.Luckily for you, a TIA is only temporary and won't have any long-term damage to the brain.It was fortunate that Heulyn and Stephanie found you when they did.”Jason shifted his weight from one side to the other as he assessed his uncle’s condition.“The earlier the response and treatment is started, the better the outcome.Their fast action got you help."

"Yeah, the doctors told me that.I’m grateful to the two of them."
