Page 89 of A Change Of Heart

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Jason nodded.No slurred speech, also good.His eyes tracked Henry as he moved.Physically, he seemed normal under the circumstance.It was the mental aspects he was worried about.

"You should be, otherwise we might not be having this conversation.I need to make you understand.You can go home, resume your lifestyle with only a few modifications, and see a neurologist once in a while. Have you seen one yet?"

"Yeah.Some hoity toity doctor introduced himself.Gave me his card and said he'd like to see me in a few weeks for a follow up."

"Good.So why are you still here boarded up like a crazy person, when you can go home?"

Henry gave him a sly look."You know why, but you're going to make me say it, aren't you?"

Jason crossed his arms and stared at his stubborn uncle."Yes, I want to hear it from your lips.Heulyn has already contacted Nicole's doctor and he should be here soon."

"What do the doctors think?"

"We don't know yet.But this is the most important decision you will make in your lifetime.No turning back once you get this rolling.Oh, by the way.The blood test came back and it's a match."

He let out a sign of relief."Thank you."

“We still need to do a tissue test, and then go from there.It won’t be quick or easy.Are you absolutely sure that this is what you want to do?Are you willing, if medically able, to give Nicole your kidney?"

"Yup.Even if I have to cut it out myself."

Jason raised a palm."Don't think you need to go to that extreme.If you prove to the doctors that you're in a competent state of mind, and that all your tests indicate you're healthy enough to go through this, then it should be a simple matter of getting it done."

"I'm ready now."

"Well, she isn't, and you need to be patient.This is going to take several days at least.Could be a week.It will give you time to make sure you’re not acting on impulse."

"I'm not.When I saw those pictures of Nicole in my office, and then talked to her husband and realized that I have a grandson as well?Last night, something broke inside of me.I knew I had to make things right."His eyes misted again."I'm sure my dear Mary had something to do with it.I feel her in my heart."

They’d had a solid marriage built on love and respect.Jason would not be surprised if his wife was still around."I'm sure she did."Jason cleared his throat."Where’s Charlie?”Henry asked.

"He's staying at Heulyn and Nicole's home, and Rhys is delighted to look after him.Imagine how happy Charley will be to see you again."Jason gave Henry a long sip of water before saying, "How about you tell the police what you told me?"

"I'd rather tell Nicole's doctor."

"And you will, but first you must answer to the police.If you explain your actions, the officers and the medical staff won't think you're crazy, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."Henry dropped his head and looked at his gnarly hands."If you're sure they won't arrest me."

"There's a lady officer out there, I'm sure she'll understand."

"Okay.Tell her she can come in, but nobody else.Except the doctors."

"You've got it."Jason cleared the chairs and debris out of the way, then looked back at his uncle."I'm proud of you, Henry.I really am."

Jason poked his head out the door, and everyone was silenced."He will talk to only one person."He used his hand to signal Officer Carter.She stepped forward immediately."He's ready to give his statement now."

Opening the door a crack, Jason allowed the officer inside."I'll be with you in a minute.Don't worry, he's not violent—just scared."

"What's going on in there?"The older officer had his back to the door, feet wide, and a scowl on his face.

"It's all fine now.My uncle, Henry Thompson, is a good-hearted man who only wants to donate a kidney to his dying daughter.It's taken some time for him to make this decision, so we don't want to stop him now."

"Officer Jenkins, please step out of the way."A tall, muscular doctor with a range of Navy tattoos on his arms got right in his face.Jenkins opened his mouth, then slammed it shut, and stepped off to the side.

Jason hid his smile.The more supporters in the medical field that Henry had would be an asset to his cause.An old-time nurse beamed and started to clap, followed by a few other staff members."That's a brave thing to do.Let's pray it happens in time."
