Page 90 of A Change Of Heart

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Jason stepped inside his uncle’s room.Henry looked lost and confused as he stared at the young woman officer.Jason strode over and put a reassuring hand on his uncle's shoulder.

"I need to take your statement, sir."Officer Carter's voice wobbled."Why the barricade, and your refusal to leave?It's in your best interest to come clean with me."

Jason guessed the policewoman was in her mid-twenties and recently out of training as she seemed uncertain how to proceed.

“Ya.That’s right.”Henry nodded.“You can say that in your report."

"I need you to answer my question and that will be your statement.Sir."

Jason intervened."Henry, I just had a text from Nicole’s husband who said that Doctor Thornton, Nicole's nephrologists is on his way up.Now, will you please give the officer your statement so she can allow the doctor in the room?"

"Yeah.Sure."Henry raised his hand as if giving an oath."I swear that I'm in my right mind and okay health.I do not want to leave here until I'm told that I can donate my kidney, just one mind you, to my daughter, Nicole Ellis."He looked at Jason."There.Did I get it right?"

"You did."Jason took his uncle's hand, and they both smiled behind their tears.

"I'm sorry for causing you all trouble."Henry glanced at the nice lady officer who seemed to be on his side.

"Thank you for the statement and I wish you and your daughter, Nicole a long and healthy life.Is there anything else you'd like to say to me before I leave?"

"That you're real pretty?"

She laughed."Good luck and best wishes."She turned and left; when the door closed behind her Henry grabbed Jason's hand.

"What happens now?"

"The doctor will give you a physical evaluation.Among other things."Jason needed to downplay this so Henry wouldn't have second thoughts.

"What things?"Henry flinched.

"This isn't my area of expertise, but he'll definitely want to know your entire medical history before he gives consent."

Henry slid his butt farther back and sat up straighter.No more playing sick patient as he appeared to understand the severity of the situation."That's fair.They took enough dang pictures of my insides; he can study them all day."

A sharp knock on the door silenced them as the doctor entered.A large man, well over six-feet-tall, with broad shoulders and a pouch that spilled over his belt.He was an imposing man, dark-skinned, with deep brown eyes that took everything in at once.

Jason noticed how his uncle withered a little at the sight of him.He stood back to give the doctor some room.

Doctor Thornton strode forward, arm outstretched, wearing a big warm smile."So, you're the man everyone's talking about.Henry Thompson," he grasped hold of the patient's frail hand and gave it a pump."Mighty pleased to meet you."

Henry nodded."Me too."

"I hear rumors that you want to donate one of your kidneys to your daughter, Nicole.Is that correct?"

"Yes, sir.If I'm not too late."

"No, you might be right on time.I've been praying for that girl.I know and like the family very much.We'll have to do more tests on you, but from the recent records you don't look too bad for a man of your age."

Henry gave a pathetic smile."If I weren't so dang stubborn and mean, I woulda done this a long time ago."

"Hopefully, you'll both have time to make amends."

"I gotta do this, Doc.Even if I die on the table, I'll know I did something right."

"I'm going to have you stay a few extra days, and we'll be moving you upstairs."At no response from his new patient, Doctor Thornton carried on, "Once the paperwork has started, depending on the hospital’s time and schedule, they may start testing you immediately."

"What kind of tests are we talking about?”Henry asked.“They did plenty yesterday."
