Page 18 of Love and Protect

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Alex nodded as she stood. “I could go for some of their Irish chips. But I want to stop home and change first.”

They all wore the team’s unofficial uniform of black tactical pants and dark T-shirts. Even when he wasn’t working, Keith wore similar clothes, but not Alex. The woman loved color; she even drove a pink car. So it didn’t surprise him Alex wanted to change before going anywhere.

“Why not? I’ve got nothing else to do. But I need to stop home before I head over too,” Spike replied.

Spike lived alone and didn’t have any pets, so Keith wondered why he needed to go home first, but whatever. The guy didn’t have to answer to him.


“Not tonight.”

Since he had no reason to go anywhere else first, Keith stopped at his desk long enough to type up a preliminary mission report and then headed straight for Murphy’s Tavern.

The summer between his junior and senior years at URI, he’d spent three weeks touring Ireland and Scotland with his mother because, not only couldn’t Dad take that much time off from work, he hadn’t wanted his wife to go alone. During the trip, they visited countless historical sights and museums but also local pubs. Every time he walked into Murphy’s Tavern, it reminded him of that trip and the various establishments they’d eaten at.

Hardwood floors that appeared as though they’d seen countless footsteps covered the floor, and dark wood paneling covered most of the interior walls. An enormous bar occupied one section of the restaurant. According to the plaque mounted on it, the restaurant owners had rescued the bar from a much older establishment in Dublin, Ireland, before the building’s new owners demolished and moved it here. While the bar added to the atmosphere, Keith doubted it’d been worth the cost. Tables and booths of varying sizes provided more indoor seating. A small stage area occupied the one brick wall in the joint, and every Thursday was karaoke night, while the tavern brought in musicians on Saturday nights. Sometimes they played traditional Irish music, but not always. Various family crests, photos of Irish rugby and soccer teams, and signs in Gaelic decorated the walls, making customers feel as though they’d entered a pub on the other side of the Atlantic.

Despite being a Tuesday night, the place was busy. Customers occupied even the tables on the patio, a section the owners had added back in the spring despite the cooler temperature. There wasn’t an empty stool at the bar, either. With his preferred booth unavailable, which gave him a bird’s-eye view of the entrance, Keith opted for a booth near the empty stage. Within moments of sitting down, an employee approached the table.

Keith accepted the menu Junior—according to his name tag—handed him. “I’m expecting two friends.”

“I’ll come back with extra place settings and two more menus. Can I bring you something to drink while you wait for them?”

Alex and Spike wouldn’t wait for him to get his ass there before ordering, and neither would expect him to wait for them.

“Yeah, I’ll have whatever IPA you have on tap.” Yeah, he was sitting in an Irish restaurant, so he should probably order a Guinness, but he much preferred IPAs. “And also, an order of Irish chips.”

Wedge fries smothered with Irish bacon, cheese curds, and a Montreal-style poutine gravy, the Irish chips were his favorite appetizer on the menu. Alex had also mentioned them back at headquarters. If he ordered some now, she might be here when they arrived. The order was certainly big enough for the three of them to share.

“I’ll be right back with your drink,” Junior said before leaving.

Keith noticed the tall blonde with boobs that didn’t quit walking in his general direction out of the corner of his eye as he opened his menu. Wearing a short denim skirt and a tight top with a plunging neckline, the woman screamed “look at me.” A glance at the nearby tables verified that several customers were doing precisely that. Too bad Matt wasn’t there. The blonde was the type he usually went after.

Do I want the bangers and mash or the—The warm body suddenly pressed against him and the subtle flowery scent brought Keith’s thoughts to a screeching halt.

“You looked lonely over here, so I thought I’d come over and see if you’d like some company tonight.” The blonde’s long, slender fingers, complete with bloodred fingertips, closed around his wrist. “I’m by myself too, and my roommate isn’t home tonight.”

Before he could process her intention, the blonde moved his hand off the table and placed it on her breast.

“What do you say we have a few drinks here and then go back to my house?” she asked, her lips mere inches from his ear. “Or we can leave here now and have wine at my place.”

He’d had women come on to him before, but never one quite so forward. Hell, she hadn’t even bothered to share her name or ask for his. Even if Maddie weren’t in his life, he’d pass on this woman’s invitation.

Keith wrapped his fingers around her wrist and tugged her hand away. “I have a girlfriend.”

Unfazed, the woman remained glued to his side. “I don’t see her here with you now. And what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Trust me. We’ll have fun.”

“Not tonight.” Keith released her wrist and moved as far away as he could without falling on his ass.

The woman’s eyes darted toward the bar before settling on him again. “Well, if you change your mind, I’ll be at the bar. But don’t wait too long. You’re not the only guy here alone tonight.”

Keith watched her walk toward the bar. In the movies, guys wanted a wingman to pick up women. Tonight, he could’ve used one to help get rid of one. Whoever she was, Keith hoped she didn’t come back.

* * *

Her cousin hatedto sit around at home. Nicole had been the only kid Lisa knew who hated watching television or playing video games. So it didn’t surprise her when Nicole asked her to go out less than ten minutes after Lisa walked in the door. They’d settled on Murphy’s because it was close and neither could come up with a better idea.

But now Lisa wondered if destiny hadn’t played a role in their choice.
