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Chapter One


My heart sank as I stared at the portal. I longed to pass through it, but I also dreaded it. I’d visited forty-one human cities in as many days and came up empty handed every time. Each time became a little harder, and hope was hard to find.

A few months ago, news spread through our kingdom that Malik, the son of Poseidon and demigod from Atlantis had found his mate - his human mate - on Earth. Since then, demigods from every realm, every kingdom had flooded to the human world, hoping for similar fortune.

But good fortune had so far evaded me. I searched cities fruitlessly and then came home defeated, just to witness other demigods of the underworld stride through the portal with their mates on their arm and proud smiles on their faces.

But even though it was difficult and part of me wanted to stop my search and save myself the heartache, a flame of hope still flickered inside me. If my mate was waiting just beyond the veil, I couldn’t abandon him. His soul needed me as much as mine needed him. I would keep looking, because the payout would be forever worth the temporary pain.

I sighed and stepped up to the portal; a stone archway filled with fire. The flames didn’t hurt those who entered the underworld upon their death; they, along with other security measures, were meant to keep those people from getting out.

Demigods were welcome to come and go as they pleased; we were actually encouraged to do so by my father Hades. Once he heard that human mates were being found, he pushed his children to go and find their own. Of course he wanted them to have their eternal partner and happiness, but he also wanted to have bragging rights if he had the most children to find their fated ones. So far he was “winning”, and teased the other gods mercilessly.

I placed my hands on the archway and searched my mind for a destination; I needed only to speak my wish and I would be transported to any destination in the world. I’d visited many large cities; New York City, San Diego, Los Angeles, Houston…they were all beautiful, but I didn’t find what I was looking for.

At a loss, I whispered, “Anywhere,” and stepped through the wall of flames, which licked against my skin without leaving a mark. I traveled through a fiery corridor until I saw a faint light at the end, which grew and came into focus until I could make out that the light was a streetlamp on a paved path.

The flames died away behind me, closing the portal and leaving me on a sidewalk in the human world. I looked around for clues as to where I was, and huffed a laugh when I saw a sign to my left reading, “Welcome to Anywhere, Colorado.”

The landscape was breathtaking; snow-capped mountains sat tall along the horizon, surrounded by stunning rock formations and lush pine trees. But my attention was pulled from the lovely sight by a path before me, which summoned me forward.

I strode along the path and soon, I was not alone; many others were walking next to me, or parking their cars and climbing out to join us. Everyone was dressed in nice clothing, and they were wearing masks.

I wondered for a moment if I had stumbled upon some kind of ritual. Being from the underworld, I’d witnessed more than a few in my long lifetime, but I wasn’t aware of any within the human world. Just when the questions were mounding in my mind, I saw where everyone was heading; a large, well illuminated building with banners hanging from its columns, which read, “7th Annual Masquerade Ball”.

I followed the masses up the marble steps and through the grand entrance. The lobby was a gorgeous blend of marble floors and pillars, and artwork hanging all around. It didn’t appear to be a museum, but I was sure that it was the fanciest building in town.

I came to another set of doors, where there was a table covered in a fancy cloth. Seated behind it were two mature women wearing opulent dresses and jewels, and expressions of disgust when they looked upon my casual wear of blue jeans and a black hooded sweatshirt.

“This event has a dress code,” one of the women told me in a snooty tone. “No one gets in unless they’re wearing a minimum of business casual, though black tie is preferred.”

“Indeed,” the second woman agreed, sticking her nose into the air. “I doubt you even have a ticket.”

“I don’t need a ticket,” I answered simply with a wave of my hand. “And I’m dressed just fine.” As part of my demigod abilities, I had the gift of persuasion over human minds. It helped in my line of work; my kind were charged with controlling all lost and departed souls, even the most evil and corrupt.

The souls who caused pain and suffering during their lifetime were cursed with the same punishment in their eternity. Nobody went through that willingly, so that’s where the mind persuasion came in. I could manipulate anyone except for my mate. He would always have free will and choice.

“Enjoy your time,” the women said in unison, wearing matching smiles.

I walked into a large ballroom, filled with more fancy people. Some were waltzing to the soothing music played by a live orchestra on the stage at the front of the room. Others were talking in small groups, and the rest were standing alone, perhaps building up the courage to ask someone to dance.

I noticed one man in particular, gazing adoringly at a lady in a fluffy pink dress. I sent a little persuasion his way and watched him march confidently up to the woman. They had a quick conversation that I couldn’t hear before walking hand in hand onto the dance floor. I smiled at the pair; if nothing else, at least I made one love connection.

But something inside told me not to give up hope. A sense of urgency bloomed in my chest. I hadn’t felt it any other night in any other city. I tried not to get too excited because I didn’t want to end up hurting worse in the end, but it was hard to keep the feeling at bay; I was right where I needed to be, and something big was going to happen tonight.
